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在语文阅读教学中,老师们为了追求活跃的课堂氛围,让学生“动起来”而采取“碎问碎答”的教学方式,课堂上显得提问过多,内容过浅,既费时又不能很好地实现课堂教学的针对性和有效性。针对这种现状,我们提出课堂教学主问题的设置这一理念,通过主问题的设置带动对课文整体理解和品读,实现有效省时的课堂教学目的。 In the teaching of Chinese reading, in order to pursue an active classroom atmosphere, the teachers should adopt the teaching method of “asking, breaking, asking and answering questions” in order to make the students move more and more. But also can not well achieve the relevance and effectiveness of classroom teaching. In view of this situation, we put forward the concept of setting the main problem of classroom teaching, and lead the overall understanding and reading of the text through the setting of the main problems so as to achieve the effective time-saving classroom teaching.
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