第三篇 牵引电器——第十二章 制动电阻

来源 :电力机车技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liangchen87
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§12—1 概况和基本参数一、概况机车在电阻制动时,制动电阻与牵引电机电枢构成制动回路,这时电动机做为发电机运行,所发的电流在制动电阻上产生大量的热。同时,转子线圈中由于该电流的流通,在磁场作用下产生与原转动方向相反的电磁力矩,阻止转子的转动,从而对机车轮对产生制动力。机车采用电阻制动能提高列车下坡时(特别是在长大坡道上)的限速,减少闸瓦磨耗,避免轮箍和闸瓦过热,使列车下坡时运行安全可靠。SS_1机车在进行电阻制动时,采用如图12—1所示的接线原理。把6台牵引电动机的励磁绕组串联起来改由励磁电源柜供电,电枢绕组与制动电阻 Rz 相联接。这种方式称为他励式电阻制动。 §12-1 Overview and basic parameters I. Overview Locomotive braking in the resistance, the braking resistor and the traction motor armature brake circuit, then the motor as a generator operation, the current sent in the braking resistor Produces a lot of heat. At the same time, due to the circulation of the current in the rotor coil, the electromagnetic torque in the opposite direction to the original rotating direction is generated under the action of the magnetic field to prevent the rotation of the rotor to generate the braking force to the wheelset of the locomotive. Locomotive resistance braking can improve the train downhill (especially in the growth of the ramp) speed limit to reduce the brake shoe wear and tear to avoid overheating wheel and brake shoe, the train downhill running safe and reliable. SS_1 locomotive resistance braking, the use of wiring as shown in Figure 12-1. The 6 traction motor excitation winding connected in series by the excitation power supply cabinet, armature winding and braking resistor Rz connected. This method is called the hereditary resistance braking.
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