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企业承包后,由于“以包代管”的现象比较普遍,许多企业新的管理制度未跟上,形成经营与管理脱节、致使企业管理中存在的问题日益显现出来,具体表现在四个方面:一是会计核算失实。有的企业核算体系不完善,对柜组采取撒手承包,不建帐编表、不全额反映经营收支,以利定产,以利定销、以利算帐;有的企业不按制度进行会计核算、完成承包利润计划的,采取挤列成本(费用)的办法来压低利润基数。未完成承包利润计划的,采取少摊成本的办法来虚增利润,以免受罚,致使财政收入不实,给企业外部的间接管理设置了障碍。二是财务管理失控。有的企业有意占用和拖欠其他企业的物资资金;有的企业赊销货款, After the enterprises contracted, because the phenomenon of “hosting on behalf of banks” was common, many companies did not keep up with the new management system, resulting in the disconnection of management and management, and the problems existing in the management of enterprises became more and more obvious. The specific performance in four aspects: The first is accounting inaccuracy. Some enterprise accounting systems are not perfect. They are used to contract with the cabinet group. They do not create account statements and do not fully reflect business revenues and expenditures in order to facilitate production and distribution, so as to facilitate profit distribution and profit-making; some companies do not follow the system. For accounting calculations and completion of contracted profit plans, squeeze out the cost (cost) approach to drive down the profit base. If the project does not complete the contracted profit plan, it will adopt a method with low cost to inflate profits so as not to be penalized, resulting in false financial revenues and obstacles to the indirect management of external enterprises. The second is the loss of control of financial management. Some companies are interested in taking up and defaulting on material funds of other companies; some companies write off loans.
小明想测量一枚合金戒指(约10g)的密度,来到实验室,物理老师拿给他以下器材:250 cm~3、100cm~3、50cm~3的量筒各一个;量程为5 N,最小刻度值为0.2N的弹簧秤一个;最小砝码为1g,
通过分析我国小型煤矿井型现状,将矿井井型按地区划类,在此基础上,提出了5种技术改造模式并进行了分析。 Based on the analysis of the status quo of the small coal mine in
样本一:阅读是一种习惯徐正建男生18岁来自黄岩宁溪中学最近两年看过的书:《中国通史》(白寿彝主编,国学经典读物)《世界通史》(经典读物,帮你了解世界各国的历史文化) Samp