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“三贴近”的核心价值是贴近群众.体现的是以人为本的理念。以人为本是把人作为本源和基本目的。人作为本源和目的对应着两种关系:一是人与物的关系.二是人民与国家和社会的天系。只有从宏观上把握好这两个天系.把以人为本作为思想政治工作的价值选择和追求的目标,思想政治工作才能在内容和形式上真正贴近实际、岵近生活、贴近群众。首先,从根本上说,物是手段,人是目的.但满足人的拿面发展的目的又离不开物质的手段。近代资本主义社会发展的一个重要教训,就是以物为本,人成了物的附属品和牺牲品,物成了人的命运主宰、价值尺度。计会主义从理论到实践.为以人为本开辟了广阔的前景和道路。20多年来,我们的一切工作始终围绕经济建设这个中心来进行.我们国家的社会财富不断增加.社会文明持续进步.人民群众的需要日益充分地得到满足、当 “Three Close to ” The core value is close to the masses. Embodies the concept of people-oriented. People-oriented is people as the basic principle and source. Human beings, as their origin and purpose, correspond to two kinds of relations: one is the relationship between human beings and the other, and the other is the human system, the natural system of the country and society. Only by grasping these two heavenly systems from a macroscopic perspective can ideological and political work be truly realistic in content and form, close to life, and be close to the masses, taking the people-oriented as the value choice and the pursuit of ideological and political work. First, fundamentally, things are means and people are ends, but they can not be separated from the material means to satisfy the purpose of human development. An important lesson learned from the development of modern capitalist society is that things are the basis of things, that people become the appendages and victims of things, and that things have become the dominator of man’s destiny and the measure of value. From ideology to practice, the conceptionism has opened up broad prospects and paths for people-oriented. For more than 20 years, all our work has been centered on the center of economic construction. The social wealth of our country is constantly increasing. The social civilization is continuously improving. The people’s needs are increasingly fully met.
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早在高一高二年级时就听班 sir大肆渲染高三是硝烟弥漫而永无钟声的战场,曾经也看到高三学生风卷残云的就餐、大步流星的步履和不知疲倦的挑灯夜战。今年的我终于也成为一个