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雲南省人民政府關於貫澈今年農業生產的補充指示——指示各專署、市、縣人民政府根據此次省人民政府春耕生產檢查組的檢查總結及各地報告,在今年的春耕生産中,實際仍存在着很多問題。爲了保證廣大農民的實際利益,爭取今年收成的良好,並完成一九五○年國家志規定的農業生産計劃。本省各級政府,必須充分重視這些問題,逐步的求得解决;並有效地、緊張地、抓緊時間,不誤農時,根據當地實際情况,發動羣衆,從各方面組織夏種生産的工作。並把這一工作,作爲前頭等重要的工作之一去辦。爲此本府特發佈如下的指示: 一、根據各地報告,今年雨水調匀,大多數地方均已按時栽種,或正在栽種。凡是已經栽種,或正在栽種的地方,我各級人民政府應加強領導,組織農民加緊除草、施肥、壅土等工作。對於勞力缺乏的地方,則必須發動與領導羣衆,在自願兩利的原則下,組織變工隊進行生産。如因粮食缺乏,不能供給短工伙食,因而僱不起工的地方,可大量提倡換幹工,以便迅速的做好栽插等工作。同時並應普遍倡用綠肥,草木灰、堆肥等,以解决肥料困難,保證預期産量。二、凡因特殊情形,在春耕季節,未能及時栽種的田地,各級人民政府,必須進行調查研究,抓緊時間,領導羣衆,克服困難,迅速趕種適合當地季節的農作物,如蕎麥、黃豆等。 Yunnan Provincial People’s Government on the instructions of Tong Che this year’s agricultural production - instructions to the agency, city and county people’s government in accordance with the provincial people’s government spring plowing production inspection group inspection summary and around the report, in this year’s spring production, the actual There are many problems. In order to ensure the actual interests of the broad masses of peasants, we should strive for a good harvest this year and complete the agricultural production plan stipulated in the 1950’s. The governments at all levels in the province must pay full attention to these problems and gradually seek solutions. They must work effectively and nervously to seize the time and not to misuse agriculture. They should mobilize the masses and organize the production of summer crops according to local conditions. . We should do this work as one of the top priority tasks. To this end, the government has issued the following special instructions: 1. According to reports from all over the country, most of the places have been planted on time or are being planted this year. Wherever it is planted or under cultivation, the people’s government at all levels should step up its leadership and organize peasants to step up their efforts in weeding, fertilizing and earth-shaking. Where labor is scarce, it is imperative to mobilize and lead the masses and, under the principle of voluntariness and benefit, organize a production team to work in production. Where a shortage of foodstuffs can not provide short-cuts and thus can not afford to work, a large number of workers can be promoted for quickening the work of planting. At the same time and should generally promote green manure, ash, composting, etc., in order to solve the fertilizer difficulties, to ensure the expected output. Second, where due to special circumstances, in the spring season, the fields that have not been planted in time, the people’s governments at various levels must conduct investigations and studies, pay close attention to the time, lead the masses and overcome the difficulties and promptly send crops suitable for the local season such as buckwheat, Soybeans and so on.
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我们的工作可以分作三部份:一是企业管理:包括自来水、电车、公共汽车及汽车运输四个企业,这是主要的部份;一是搬运工作;一是对电业和电信的督导工作、车辆管理和几 Our wo
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