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当今世界经济的发展早已与科技的进步密切相关,互相依存。在这样一个高速发展的互联网时代,古老的、以善于经商而著称的回族该如何借助高科技的网络来实现经济的繁荣与发展,并藉此走向更广阔的世界?5年前,一个西北穆斯林的女儿带着对这一命题的探索,踏上了求解之路。她白手起家,历经艰辛,创办了中国第一个以清真产业和电子商务为核心的穆斯林综合商务门户网站——中国清真网。这位在商界叱咤风云的回族女性,就是中国清真网创始人李晓岚。2009年,她被我国外交部和伊朗驻华大使馆共同授予“中伊文化交流特别贡献奖”。如今,李晓岚和她的团队打造的中国清真网已成了为全球穆斯林提供综合服务的中国最大门户网站,拥有国内30多万家清真企业会员,还被众多国际机构特邀为中国大陆战略合作伙伴。据谷歌和百度统计,中国清真网在同类网站中点击量一直排名第一。网站70%以上的国内外访客都是穆斯林。而通过对IP地址的分析发现,只要有穆斯林的地方,中国清真网上都有登录记录。中国清真网的电子商务和搜索引擎平台正在影响着全球16亿穆斯林的工作方式和生活质量…… The development of the world economy has long been related to the progress of science and technology and interdependence. In such an era of rapid development of the Internet, how can the ancient Hui people known for their good business make use of high-tech networks to achieve economic prosperity and development and take the world to a broader world? Five years ago, a Muslim in the northwest With her daughter’s exploration of this proposition, embarked on the road to solution. She started from scratch and went through arduous struggles to set up China’s first Muslim comprehensive business portal that is centered on halal industry and e-commerce. The influential Muslim woman in the business community, is the founder of China Halal Li Xiaolan. In 2009, she was awarded the “Special Contribution Award for Sino-Iranian Cultural Exchange” jointly by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China and the Iranian Embassy in China. Today, the Chinese halal network built by Li Xiaolan and her team has become China’s largest portal for providing integrated services to Muslims around the world. With more than 300,000 domestic halal members, it is also invited by many international agencies as its strategic partner in Mainland China . According to Google and Baidu statistics, Chinese halal network traffic in similar sites has been ranked first. More than 70% of visitors from home and abroad are Muslims. Through the analysis of the IP address found that wherever Muslims, Chinese halal online login records. Chinese halal e-commerce and search engine platforms are affecting the working methods and quality of life of 1.6 billion Muslims around the world ...
针对国内大多数分散控制系统的应用水平不高,控制功能未能充分发挥,讨论了一些有用的先进控制算法。它对分散控制系统的应用,发挥DCS的功能无疑是有用的。 For most of the decent
介绍了MIS的体系结构及其特点,并分析了传统MIS的缺点和基于Intranet的MIS的优 点,然后提出了基于Intranet的MIS解决方案。
该文探讨基地基于WEB的通信值勤管理信息系统的设计与实现, 该系统具有高产儿、使用简单、安全稳定、可扩展性好、可移植性好的特点。