
来源 :文化月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lenchoguo
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2001年的国产影片题材多趋向于表现现代人的生活。国产影片平铺直叙的表达,简单生活情节的铺陈,使观众买票在影院如同坐看自己的生活。虽然我们的导演手法越来越娴熟,镜头运用得越来越自如,拍摄手法也越来越老道,但观众却依然买着盗版VCD看好莱坞大片,国产影片的票房依然不如人意。不过,国产影片虽然摆脱了说教的怪圈,却又陷入了“现实”的泥潭,成为2001年唯一的遗憾。一年的落英缤纷之后,我们又将为谁喝彩? Most domestic movie themes in 2001 tend to show the modern life. Indisputable expression of domestic film flat, simple plot plot life, so that viewers vote in the theater as sitting to see their own lives. Although our director’s technique is more and more adept, the use of the lens is more and more comfortable and the shooting techniques are getting more and more sophisticated. However, the audience still buy pirated VCDs to watch Hollywood blockbusters. The box office of domestically produced films is still unsatisfactory. However, although domestic films got rid of the vicious circle of preaching, they fell into the quagmire of “reality” and became the only regret in 2001. Who will we applaud after one year?
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由我省资深导演魏汝明、仇强共同编、导的10集电视剧《海城疑案》近日已告完成,并在省城合肥举行了看片座谈会,受到与会专家的一致好评。 此剧系根据尹曙生(原省公安厅副厅
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1 Results Tailored monomers based on the activated esters of 2,5-dibromobenzoic (sulfonic) acid derivatives, the 3-substituted 2,5-dibromothiophenes, the 9-sub
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