在使用FlashGet下载文件时,只要下载的文件比较大,比如超过了100MB,FlashGet总要“假死”一会儿,然后才像缓过气儿似的开始下载。每次都如此,令人不胜其烦,总感觉有什么地方不对劲。 电脑装的操作系统是Windows XP,FlashGet的版本号为1.40。莫非是系统有问题,为此专门到朋友的电脑上试验了一下,他的电脑上装的是Windows 2000,FlashGet也是1.40版,在下载大文件时出现了相同症状。看来,这个症状并非我的电脑所独有。 到底是什么原因造成这种症状呢?经过朋友指点,终于搞清了事情的来龙去脉。原来,FlashGet在下载文件时,
When using FlashGet to download the file, as long as the downloaded file is larger, for example, exceeds 100MB, FlashGet always wants to “hang around” for a while before it starts to download as a palliative. Every time so, it is annoying, always feel something wrong. The computer operating system is Windows XP, FlashGet version number is 1.40. Could it be system problems, for this purpose to a friend’s computer test a bit, his computer is loaded on Windows 2000, FlashGet is 1.40 version, the same symptoms appear when downloading large files. It seems that this symptom is not unique to my computer. In the end what is the cause of this symptom? After a friend pointing, and finally figure out the context of things. It turned out that FlashGet download the file,