Losson 16:Touring Suzhou

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<正>会话 Dialogue 乔治:小李,我们的船是沿着运河走吧? Qiaozhi:Xiao Li,women de chuan shi yan zhe yunhe zou ha? George:Miss Li,our boat is sailing along the canal, isn’t it? 小李:是的,马上就能看到苏州古城了。 Xiao Li:Shi de,mashang jiu neng kan dao Suzhou
Sprouting twigs reach for the sky, as birds glide through the treetops, Xu Jianwei&#39;s pointing is the view from a window, Its deconstruction brings into reli
<正> AN exterrestrial landed inChina one day causing asensation across the coun-try.A politics—savvyBeijinger probed him about therelationship between terrestr
<正>A groaning bulldozer shat- tered the stillness of Sh- uangcheng one day in 1987 as the ground was broken on the first Si no-foreign joint venture in Harbin,
LANGFANG has had municipal administrative status since 1989.This young city is 40 kilometers east of the national capital of Beijing and 60 kilometers west of C
As the world's guitars, drums and pianos are manufactured in China,more locals are playing too.
摘 要:在当今经济高速发展的状态下,电力能源成为重要的一部分。在电力能源的使用过程中,用电信息采集系统能有效地获取用户的用电信息,有效预防偷电,窃电的现象发生,在进行用户用电采集系统的过程中,对影响采集成功率的因素分析提出有效的措施,为用电信息采集系统提供参考。  关键词:用电信息,采集,成功率  中图分类号:TM933.47 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-8937(2015)36-
摘 要:我国经济的快速发展,在取得一系列显著成效的同时也带动了电力运行系统的进一步完善和创新,特别是在科学技术的推动下,电力系统运行的安全性和稳定性得到了明显的提高,配电技术也越来越成熟,为社会经济的健康运行奠定了良好基础。在这一过程中,配电设备的性能维护和检修工作是重要的一项内容,需要在新形势下加大重视力度,对存在的问题有正确的分析,并据此采取正确的解决措施,以确保配电设备性能的高效发挥。  关