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[目的]为明确辽宁省瓦房店市得利寺镇果园内蔷薇科果树上天牛的种类、危害特征和种群动态.[方法]采用笼养法和虫害木解析法进行研究.[结果](1)共发现天牛8种,分别是家茸天牛Trichoferus campestris Faldermann、双隆短翅天牛Glaphyra kojimai Matsushita、多斑坡天牛Pterolophia multinotata Pic、拟蜡天牛Stenygrinum quadrinotatum Bates、樱桃虎天牛Chlorophorus diadema Motschulsky、桃红颈天牛Aromia bungii Faldermann、薄翅锯天牛Megopis sinica White和四点象天牛Mesosa myops Dalman.(2)桃红颈天牛为害果树活立木的主干;四点象天牛、樱桃虎天牛和多斑坡天牛主要为害衰弱的果树主干和树枝;薄翅锯天牛为害果树朽木;家茸天牛为害枯死的果树树干和树枝;双隆短翅天牛和拟蜡天牛为害细枝.(3)家茸天牛、双隆短翅天牛、多斑坡天牛、拟蜡天牛、桃红颈天牛和薄翅锯天牛一年中均有1个明显的羽化高峰,四点象天牛一年中有2个成虫出现高峰,樱桃虎天牛的羽化高峰不明显.[结论]不同果树上为害的天牛种类存在差异.8种天牛为害果树的健康程度存在差异,其中桃红颈天牛对果树的为害最严重.8种天牛的种群动态规律存在差异.“,”[Objectives] To determine the species, damage and population dynamics of longicorn beetles (Cerambycidae) infesting Rosaceous fruit trees (Rosaceae) in an orchard in Delisi township, Wafangdian city, Liaoning Province. [Methods] Longicorn beetle larvae were reared in cages to adulthood and identified to the species level and the types of damage caused by different species was analyzed. [Results] (1) Eight species were identified; Trichoferus campestris Faldermann, Glaphyra kojimai Matsushita, Pterolophia multinotata Pic, Stenygrinum quadrinotatum Bates, Aloe bungii Faldermann, Megopis sinica White, and Mesos myops Dalman. (2) Aromia bungii commonly infested the main stem of trees, whereas Mesosa myops, Chlorophorus diadema and Pterolophia multinotata mainly infested weakened stems and branches. Megopis sinica mainly infested rotten trees and Trichoferus campestri infested withered trunks and branches. Glaphyra kojimai and Stenygrinum quadrinotatum mainly damaged slender branches. (3) Trichoferus campestris, Glaphyra kojimai, Pterolophia multinotata, Stenygrinum quadrinotatum, Aromia bungii and Megopis sinica each had one annual peak of emergence but Mesosa myops had two and Chlorophorus diadema had no obvious peak period of abundance. [Conclusion] The population dynamics of the eight species of beetle differed and different species infested different parts of fruit trees and caused differing degrees of damage to the health of infected trees. The most serious damage was caused by Aromia bungii.
目的:在高血压致失代偿性心脏肥大的心肌细胞重建中存在粘着斑激酶(focal adhesion kinase,FAK)的表达增加及在细胞核与膜结构上的聚积,并且在左心室代偿心肌肥大向失代偿心肌
树突状细胞(dendritic cells,DC)是主要的一种抗原递呈细胞,目前认为DC细胞抗原递呈的方式有三种:一种是DC细胞吞噬外来抗原,并加工处理形成表位肽,与MHCⅡ类分子结合,从而激
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一、样本描述rn本文研究所用数据主要来自F6智慧门店系统,抽样其中8 000家门店、1 000万辆车、3 500万条进厂记录,另有部分数据由同济大学、新康众提供.样本中各类型/经营形
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目的本研究首先探讨STAg 分别联合不同剂量IFN-γ、蜂胶鼻内免疫对小鼠的保护作用及IFN-γ、蜂胶作为佐剂鼻内免疫抗弓形虫感染的最佳剂量。再比较IFN-γ、蜂胶两种佐剂最佳
本文介绍了深水泵微电脑节能控制器的功能以及用8031单片机设计的硬件电路和开发的模块化软件,实践证明,控制器运行稳定可靠,节能效果显著。 This paper introduces the functi