How to Teach English Vocabulary in Middle School

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:itache
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  【Abstract】Vocabulary learning which can be counted as the foundation of English learning has been the student’s Achilles heel. Along with the empirical exploration on English vocabulary, the author draws on basic principles and the weak points in current vocabulary teaching to analyze three new teaching vocabulary approaches for the sake of improving teaching efficiency.
  【Key words】New English Curriculum Standard; vocabulary teaching; efficiency
  1. Introduction
  Under the New English Curriculum Criteria, vocabulary teaching still does not match the new criteria that are held responsible for the consequences:the teacher does not give students much opportunity to practice vocabulary in a pleasurable language atmosphere, but imparts knowledge in a traditional mechanic approach. And vocabulary teaching nowadays is also paucity of system and can hardly cultivate students’ cultural perception. Vocabulary which is hailed as one of the three major elements in language leaning is supposed to put forward unprecedented urgent demand to keep abreast of the trend.
  2. Literature Review
  Professor Allen, in the light of his teaching experiences, gives us suggested model for teaching vocabulary:expanding vocabulary by mapping within conceptual domains etc. According to the domestic research, from the perspective of the vocabulary classification, it is based on the term “taxonomy” as an independent sense relationship in lexicon, which can be classified into four parts:basic concepts concerning taxonomy, characteristics of taxonomy, classification of taxonomy and grounds for taxonomy.
  3. The Contents and Principles of Vocabulary Teaching
  3.1 The Contents of the Vocabulary Teaching
  The paramount importance of vocabulary pronunciation, vocabulary spelling and vocabulary meaning cannot be ignored. It is easy to have spelling mistakes for beginners. The sound reasons attributed to the spelling errors are that mispronounced words, the form of knowledge representation and mistakes relevant to the grammar can be counted as the culprits.
  3.2 The Principle of Vocabulary Teaching
  Teaching of the vocabulary also has its own property valued for its principles that encompass various facets which can be basically intended to restore minors’ confidence for English learning.
  3.2.1 Systematic principle.
  Learning is the reconstruction of the cognition map. Therefore, it is necessary for teachers to build the relation between new words and prior knowledge. The purpose of the design is to make the cognition structure become more systematic, which can activate beginners’ passion for learning, have them immunized to the native language and can be hailed as a ready-made panacea.   3.2.2 Communicative principle.
  Language is the tool of communication. The ultimate goal of English learning is to communicate with others. Therefore, teachers should create an atmosphere where students can communicate with others and get a glimpse of the diversity of language structures and the various possibilities of language expressions, tapping into the preserve of students’ latent capacity, which is a fixed- solution to improve learning efficiency and can exert tremendous influence on the fledgling birds.
  4. Vocabulary Teaching Methods
  4.1 Lexical Chunks Teaching
  It simply refers to lexical phrases. Teachers should prepare the frequently used lexical phrases with regard to the word, which has its peculiar structures, basic meanings and can be adjusted subtly as the prototype. It is a special language unit that has been endowed with the characteristics of the vocabulary and grammar.
  4.2 Context Teaching
  Context teaching can be specified as the relation in words, phrases, sentences. The best internalization comes from encounters with words within the context surrounding discourse rather than separating words or focusing on dictionary definitions. And most words have more than one interpretation. Without the context surrounding discourse, the word meaning can hardly be defined.
  4.3 Classification Teaching
  It delineates that teachers put some similar words together according to their special characters. Classification teaching can be categorized into three main parts:topic classification, meaning classification and grammar property classification.
  5. Conclusion
  In this dissertation, the author mainly demonstrates the feasible countermeasures to crack the nuts ahead of us. Teachers can explore and innovate the vocabulary teaching approaches to meet the ever-changing standards, avoiding the plain interpretation, which will be the biggest splash.
(十六)原来,这一切的一切都是因为有个郭少聪。不过,按杨倩的说法却是源于自己的傻。第一个傻,自己不该傻乎乎地嫁给郭少聪。杨倩和郭少聪原 (XVI) It turned out that all
经常有人问我:近40年的商业旅程给予我什么样的心得体会?  我的第一个心得体会是用恒心,持之以恒。我相信绝大多数企业家和我一样,黎明即起,周而复始,坚持、咬牙坚持、再咬牙坚持,于是成为习惯,也成为一种企业家精神。  我们立足的实业本身是传统产业,伴随着社会需求不断放大和提升而发展。 在以短缺为特征的中国经济市场的上半场,我们着力在产品、成本、品质、制造及供应的稳定性上,脚踏实地、埋头拉车使我们顺风
之所以说是“常识性错误”,因为这些错误背后的道理看起来都太简单了。不过,故事都是真实的,犯过的错是血淋淋的。  我们常常低估了做成的难度  而又高估了学习的速度  不关注竞争对手  亚马逊创始人贝索斯很多场合都半开玩笑地说:“不要关注你的竞争对手,因为他们又不给你钱。”  微信创始人张小龙,在点评“子弹短信”APP时也说过:“看了一眼截图,还不值得我安装体验一下。我们将来会落后的原因可能是因为不了
有赞是我的第三次创业。第一次创业跟我的大学学生会主席,当时想做一个个人空间,让每个个人空间可以连起来,那时并不知道这就是Facebook的概念。我们没有融资渠道,几个人筹了几十万元现金,做了3个月后资金链断了。  那时我们犯了几个很严重的错误:  第一,资金链断了之后,我与合伙人的意见产生了分歧。我在郑州有很好的人脉和关系,当时我们一方面可以做河南省的制造业信息化示范工程,至少可以把公司养活;另一