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目的了解四川凉山地区彝族、汉族中学生毒品接触情况和毒品问题认知现状,为少数民族地区开展校园禁毒教育提供依据。方法抽取凉山州部分县市的彝族、汉族中学生1 742名,其中彝族924名,汉族818名,对其采用自拟问卷调查,了解其对毒品知识的认知情况。结果彝族中学生吸食毒品的比例为3.25%(30/924),汉族中学生为0.98%(8/818),差异有统计学意义(χ~2=10.466,P<0.05);吸毒的学生以初中生为主(27/38)。2个民族中学生对传统毒品的正确认识率为87%~95%,对新型毒品的正确认识率为35%~55%,差异均无统计学意义(P值均>0.05)。中学生对毒品危害知晓率为80%~95%,但彝族学生在吸毒的身心损伤认识略高于汉族学生,差异有统计学意义(χ~2=11.37,P<0.05);中学生对吸毒传播的肝炎、梅毒等疾病的知晓率为55%~70%,但汉族学生略高于彝族学生,差异均有统计学(χ~2值分别为8.99,15.87,P值均<0.05)。在大部分毒品认知及吸毒危害性的认识上,初中生知晓率均低于同民族的高中生(P值均<0.05)。结论凉山地区中学生新型毒品的知识教育需要加强,特别是初中生。中学生毒品相关问题的认知度可能受该地区彝、汉族文化和毒品泛滥特征影响。 Objective To understand the status quo of drug exposure among drug addicts of Yi nationality and Han nationality in Liangshan area of ​​Sichuan province and to provide a basis for anti-drug education in minority areas. Methods A total of 1 742 Yi and Han middle school students in some counties and cities in Liangshan prefecture were enrolled, including 924 Yi nationality and 818 Han nationality. Self-made questionnaires were used to understand their cognition of drug knowledge. Results The proportion of middle school students taking medicine was 3.25% (30/924) in Yi nationality and 0.98% (8/818) in Han middle school students, the difference was statistically significant (χ ~ 2 = 10.466, P <0.05) Mainly (27/38). The correct understanding rate of traditional drug among the two ethnic minorities was 87% -95%, and the correct recognition rate of new drug was 35% -55%. There was no significant difference between the two groups (P> 0.05). The awareness rate of secondary school students on drug hazards was 80% ~ 95%, but the Yi students’ understanding of physical and mental injury caused by drug abuse was slightly higher than that of Han students (χ ~ 2 = 11.37, P <0.05) Hepatitis, syphilis and other diseases were 55% ~ 70%, but Han students were slightly higher than Yi students, the differences were statistically significant (χ ~ 2 values ​​were 8.99,15.87, P <0.05). In the majority of awareness of drug cognition and drug addiction, the awareness rate of junior high school students was lower than that of the same high school students (P <0.05). Conclusion The knowledge education of new drug for middle school students in Liangshan need to be strengthened, especially for junior high school students. Awareness of secondary school drug-related issues may be affected by the Yi, Han culture and drug abuse in the area.
白驹过隙、时光打马而过,这是高中时最喜爱用的形容时光离逝之快的词语,现在觉得有些矫情,但是却找不到更好的词语去形容。  那就是说,我的大一就这样在一匹马跑过一道缝隙的时间里过去了,来不及留恋,来不及不舍。同学说,明年那些人过来就要叫我们学姐了,感觉真不爽,真想赖在大一。哈哈,稚气的话,却说出了我们一干人等的心声。  记忆还来得及追溯到收到丽水学院录取通知书的时候,一切尚不明朗。尽管我们都已成年,面
许多人认为,随着第三代蓝光光盘Blu-ray和HD DVD的面世,光盘作为内容发行的主要媒体的时代将宣告结束。那么,2010年之后的存储系统将发生怎样的改变? Many believe the era
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1产业集群这一概念是美国哈佛学院的迈克·波特教授1990年提出来的。在这一年里他出了一本书叫《国家竞争优势》。这本书出版的时候全球范围内的产业集群已经 1 The concept
[迷藏]打马而过的时光像古老的壁画一样被风沙斑驳,碎落在我跟前。我无法再从黯淡的沧桑之下辨别出它的色彩。某年某月某日的我在某地是何种心情,也再无从忆起了。时光老去的过程被忽略,回忆里只剩下它大致的轮廓与最后悲哀的苟延残喘。  我们像是摸象的盲人,只知晓它的一部分,却辨不清一个完整的过去。人人都独自跋山涉水寻找,然而人人都困于彼此所握有的。  这是场和时光的捉迷藏,永远不会结束。  [帆布鞋]或许它
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