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随着近几年高考英语对学生阅读能力要求的提高,英语阅读理解题的分值在整个试卷中所占的比例大大提高。而在平时英语阅读教学中,抓单词识记,讲语法知识的多,指导阅读方法的少。这就在一定程度上影响了高中学生英语阅读能力的提升。为此,在平时的教学中,培养学生终生受益的阅读习惯,教给学生切实实用的阅读方法,提升学生阅读水平,是一名高中英语教师应该探索的课题。那么,怎样教育学生养成良好的阅读习惯、掌握阅读技巧、 With the recent years, college entrance examination in English on the reading ability of students to improve the reading comprehension questions score the proportion of the entire paper greatly increased. In the usual English reading teaching, grasping the word recognition, grammatical knowledge of grammar, guidance less reading method. To a certain extent, this has affected the improvement of high school students’ English reading ability. Therefore, in normal teaching, it is a subject that senior high school English teachers should explore to cultivate students ’habit of reading for the rest of their life, to teach them practical and practical reading methods and to improve students’ reading ability. So, how to educate students to develop good reading habits, master reading skills,