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超精密加工技术的国际水平在超精密加工领域起步最早的是美国,其次是西欧和日本。当前,美国在这个领域仍然领先。美国超精密加工技术的发展得到美国政府和军方的财政支持。美国国防部陆、海、空三军组成了光学零件精密加工特别委员会,统一协调超精密加工技术的研究工作。目前在美国至少有30多个厂家和研究单位研制和生产各种超精密加工机床。美国通过陆、海、空三军制造技术的开发计划和能源部激光核聚变的住务等,对超精密金刚石切削机床的开发研究,投入了巨额资金和相当多的人力,实现了微英寸级(1微英寸=0.025微米)的超精密加工。超精密加工技术的发展使美国在航空、航天、核能方面取得了许多重大成就。 The international level of ultra-precision machining technology in the ultra-precision machining started the United States the earliest, followed by Western Europe and Japan. Currently, the United States still leads in this area. The development of the ultra-precision machining technology in the United States has received the financial support of the U.S. government and the military. The United States Department of Defense land, sea and air forces formed a special optical components precision machining committee, unified coordination of ultra-precision machining technology research. Currently in the United States at least 30 more than manufacturers and research institutes to develop and produce a variety of ultra-precision machine tools. The United States has invested huge sums of money and considerable manpower in the development and research of ultra-precision diamond cutting machine tools through the development plans of the manufacturing technologies of land, sea and air mines, as well as the residential nuclear services of the Ministry of Energy and laser fusion. 1 micro-inch = 0.025 micron) ultra-precision machining. The development of ultra-precision machining technology has enabled the United States to make many major achievements in aviation, aerospace and nuclear energy.
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采用国产含氟乳液为基料,研究了辅料的种类和用量,涂料的组成及工艺参数对涂膜性能的影响,提出了能获得良好涂膜的NH-93型氟涂料的配方和成膜条件。 Based on the domestic fluorine
通过结构、材料和工艺选择,研制出一种目前国内最大的机载雷达天线。该天线综合技术性能优良,现已通过各项性能检测和试飞,并投入小批量生产。 Through the choice of structur
本文介绍某新型发动机压气机盘辐板型面的数控加工,包括切削参数的制定、刀具材料的选用、刀具排布的方式、辐板型面的数控加工编程等。 This paper introduces the NC machi