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本文利用2006年与2015年辽宁省新农村建设“百村千户”跟踪调查数据,从省级层面比较分析了我国新农村建设十年的前后变化和面临的新挑战。在生产方面,农业生产规模扩大,农业生产基础设施改善明显,农民收入来源多元化、家庭经营收入增长最多,农业保险覆盖面逐步扩大、农户参保率显著提高;在生活方面,农民收入显著提高,消费水平提高、消费层次再上新台阶,生活条件明显改善,社会保障体系日渐完善;在乡风方面,文化生活丰富多彩,休闲娱乐方式多样化,农村社会风气改善,宗教信仰特色突出;在村容方面,生活基础设施改善明,村容村貌焕然一新,人居环境改善明显;民主管理扎实推进。新农村建设还面临诸多新挑战:农业生产环境污染严重、农业生态环境系统破坏严重,农业生产的组织化、市场化程度低,农产品市场竞争力低下,农业技术应用水平落后,农民信息化水平偏低,农产品生产成本上升、农业生产比较效益低下,城乡收入差距缩小但农村内部收入差距拉大,农业劳动力老龄化严重。 Based on the survey data of “One Hundred Villages in One Hundred Villages” of new rural construction in Liaoning Province in 2006 and 2015, this paper compares and analyzes the changes and new challenges facing China’s new rural construction ten years from the provincial level. In terms of production, the scale of agricultural production has been expanded; the infrastructure for agricultural production has been greatly improved; the sources of income of farmers have been diversified; the income from household operations has increased most; the coverage of agricultural insurance has been gradually expanded; the rate of participating farmers has also been remarkably increased; and in terms of living, In terms of rural style, cultural life is rich and colorful, recreation and entertainment are diversified, the rural social atmosphere is improved, and the features of religious beliefs are outstanding. In the village, there is a great improvement in the living standard. In terms of capacity, the improvement of living infrastructure has brought about a fresh look at the village appearance and a clear improvement in the living environment; the democratic management has been steadily pushed forward. New rural construction still faces many new challenges: serious pollution of agricultural production environment, severe damage to agro-ecological systems, organization of agricultural production, low degree of marketization, low market competitiveness of agricultural products, backward application of agricultural technologies and farmer informationization level Low agricultural production costs, agricultural production more ineffective, narrowing the income gap between urban and rural areas but widening the income gap within the rural areas, the serious aging of agricultural labor force.
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【正】 技术悲观主义,目前尚无确切的划界和定义,一般人们大体上把对技术的进步、作用、结果及其影响持异议、否定和怀疑态度;或者对把技术看作人类灾难、危机、动荡不安和一
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【正】 当前在治理经济环境,整顿经济秩序的过程中出现了资金短缺,原材料、能源供应紧张和交通运输紧张等现象。经济生活中的这些不稳定因素不可能在短期内完全消除,近几年(