日前在美国丹佛结束的—个全球互联 网技术大会,向世界展示了互联网技术新 的应用前景,在未来3—5年,或者更短 的时间内,中国科学家坐在家里可以参加 在美国召开的国际会议,完全是实时未加 编辑的,不仅有声音、图像,科学家还能 参与对所有问题的讨论。 我国从事互联网技术研究的专家从 11月13日至16日,通过互联网在北京全 程参加了这次有世界66个国家参加的全 球高性能计算和通信国际会议。以往这一 会议都是在美国等国家召开,今年是首次
Recently a global Internet technology conference in Denver, USA, showed the world a new application prospect of Internet technology. In the next 3-5 years or less, Chinese scientists can sit in their homes and attend international conferences in the United States Meetings, completely real-time unedited, not only sound, images, scientists can participate in the discussion of all issues. From November 13 to November 16, experts in China engaged in Internet technology research participated in this global conference on high-performance computing and communications in 66 countries around the world through the Internet in Beijing. This meeting was held in the United States and other countries in the past, this year is the first time