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十二年前,深化改革的浪潮席卷全国,以企业改制为中心的改革潮头,也同样冲击着定州的一批国营企业,定州市食品公司成为了第一批试点单位。这一年,如今已经是有着600万资产的一条龙肉联厂经理于民,只不过是个刚刚参加工作的新职工。当时,谁也没有想到,这个挺拔俊秀的小青年,竟然在惊涛骇浪中,开辟了一条通往成功之路的航道,使这个由下岗职工组成的企业,成为同行中的佼佼者。他们自1993年开始营业,1996年就被保定市政府命名为生猪定点屠宰单位,2003年被省政府确定为生猪定点屠宰单位,现在有自营肉食商店4个,连营超市一个,连锁店20余家,2005年实现了年屠宰生猪两万头,企业产值达到1800余万元。占领了定州市肉食市场的三分之二的份额。被人们誉为“定州市崛起的一条龙”。 Twelve years ago, the tide of deepening reform swept across the country. The wave of reform centered on enterprise restructuring also hit a batch of state-owned enterprises in Dingzhou. Dingzhou Food Company became the first batch of pilot units. This year, now is a one-stop meat factory manager with 6 million assets in the people, but just a new employee just to work. At that time, no one thought of this tall and straight young man, even in a stormy sea, opening up a channel to the road to success, so that this formed by the laid-off workers, as peers in the best. They have been operating since 1993 and were designated as the fixed-point slaughterhouse of pigs in 1996 by the Baoding municipal government. In 2003, they were designated as slaughter and slaughtering units of pigs by the provincial government. There are now 4 self-operated meat shops, one with camping supermarkets and more than 20 chain stores At home, in 2005, 20,000 pigs were slaughtered annually and the output value of enterprises reached over 1,800,000 yuan. Occupied two thirds of the Dingzhou meat market share. Been praised as “the rise of Dingzhou city train.”