Releasing characteristics of phosphorus and other substances during thermal treatment of excess slud

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qncy1232f
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The releasing characteristics of phosphorus, nitrogen compounds, organics, and some metal cations during thermal treatment of excess sludge were investigated. It was found that during heating not only phosphorus, but also nitrogen compounds, organics, and some metal cations could be released in abundance. The maximum orthophosphate (ortho-P) release of about 90 mg/L in concentration was observed at 50℃ in 1 h. Except for volatile fatty acids (VFAs), comparatively little total nitrogen (TN), total organic carbon(TOC), and metal cations were released at the same time. Such results might favor further process of phosphorus recovery. VFAs were considerably released only at 50℃. Acetic, butyric, and propionic acid were the most abundant components in t and their releasing profiles exhibited good linear relationship with time (R2 = 0.9977, 0.9624, and 0.8908, respectively). The concentrations of Mg2+ and K+ increased with time and temperature during thermal treatment, but Ca2+ decreased. The release of Mg2+ and K+ agreed well with TP release (R2 = 0.9892 and 0.9476, respectively). Temperature in the experimental range had very little impact on the linear relationships,especially of Mg2+. Moreover, the parameter of mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) was found to be an important factor for thermal sludge treatment as the released ortho-P and total phosphorus (TP) at 50℃ increased more than one-fold when MLSS was increased from 4000 to 8000 mg/L.
摘 要:在社会经济的高速发展过程中,我国的经济水平得到了显著的提升,人们的生活质量也逐渐的提升。而茶叶作为具有浓重东方韵味的特色,在人们的生活中有着较为重要的作用。人们对茶叶的要求越来越严格,而有机茶叶作为一种可以满足人们实际需求,推动茶叶行业持续发展的模式,是现阶段发展的重点。在这种背景中如何加强对有机茶叶的探究分析,提升对病虫害防治以及管理工作的重视,可以在根本上推动茶叶产业的持续发展。  关
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