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11月份,整体经济运行进一步趋好,为完成全年经济增长目标奠定了良好的基础。主要特点:工业生产进一步加快,市场销售稳中趋活,旅游业加快回升,固定资产投资快速增长,地方一般预算收入保持增势,利用外资、出口下降。从1—11月主要经济指标完成情况看,预计全年可望完成经济增长的计划目标。工业全省规模以上的工业企业完成增加值6.70亿元,按可比价格计算,比上年同月增长16.9%。工业增加值增长率高于全省平均水平的市、县是:临高县、白沙县、文昌市、定安县、保亭县、琼海市、海口市、东方市、琼山市,增长率居前三名的是:临高县、白沙县、文昌市,下降的市、县有:儋州市、琼中县、乐东县、昌江县、陵水县。 In November, the overall economic performance further improved, laying a good foundation for completing the annual economic growth target. Main features: Industrial production further accelerated, market sales steadied and stabilized, tourism picked up rapidly, fixed asset investment grew rapidly, local general budget revenue maintained its upward trend, utilization of foreign investment and exports dropped. Judging from the completion of major economic indicators from January to November, it is expected that the planned target of economic growth will be completed in the year. Industrial enterprises above designated size in the province completed an added value of 670 million yuan, a comparable increase of 16.9% over the same month of last year. The growth rate of industrial added value is higher than the average level of the province, the county is: Lincoln County, Baisha County, Wenchang City, Dingan County, Baoting County, Qionghai City, Haikou City, Dongfang City, Qiongshan City, the growth rate The top three are: Lingao County, Baisha County, Wenchang City, the decline of cities and counties are: Zhuozhou City, Qiongzhong County, Ledong County, Changjiang County, Lingshui County.
俄罗斯电影人多年来苦苦等待民族电影的复兴和繁荣 ,密切关注新一代导演崭露头角 ,审视他们的所作所为 ,期望他们成长为俄罗斯历代电影大师们的接班人 ,而所有的期望则取决于
Recently, it has been suggested that primary aldosteronism(PA) is associated with a variety of cardiac,vascular, metabolic, and renal sequelae that reflect the
Medical imaging technologies are acquiring an increasing relevance to assist clinicians in diagnosis and to guide management and therapeutic treatment of patien
各市州、县(市)人民政府,省政府各厅委、各直属机构:省计委提出的《吉林省“十五”期间经济结构调整指导意见》已经省政府同意,现转发给你们,请认真贯彻落实。 The municip
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体验是戏剧基本创作的普遍规律 ,戏曲尤以特殊的体验方式呈现出鲜明的艺术本体特征 ,其美学精神是中国传统美学思想的体现。文章详细分析了戏曲表演艺术的特殊性 ,也就是其双