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在人工气候室内黑肩绿盲蝽Cyrtorhinous lividipennis(Reuter)褐对飞虱Nilaparvata lugens Stal高密度小区表现出明显的聚集反应。在褐飞虱密度高的小区出现的时间大于在低密度小区内的时间。其聚集的机制很可能是该捕食者对高猎物密度小区的捕食频繁,停留的时间也更长。尽管黑肩绿盲蝽表现出很明显的聚集行为,但是它们对褐飞虱的捕食率却与褐飞虱的密度无关或成逆密度相关。形成这种现象的据本原因是捕食者的最大食量和该捕食者在各害虫密度小区内的搜索时间限制。 Cyrtorhinous lividipennis (Reuter), a black-shouldered planthopper, showed a significant aggregation response to the Nilaparvata lugens Stal high-density plot in the plantation. The time of emergence in a cell with a high density of brown planthopper is greater than that in a low density cell. The mechanism of its aggregation is likely to be that the predator prey on high densities of densely populated areas and spend longer periods of time. Although Apodemus accumbens showed a very significant aggregation behavior, their predation rates on BPH were not related to or were inversely related to the density of BPH. The reason for the formation of this phenomenon is the predator’s maximum food intake and the search time limit of the predator in each pest density cell.
在武昌,蚕豆象Bruchus rufimanus Boheman每年发生一代,以成虫越冬。成虫必须取食蚕豆花后才能正常交配和产卵。4月为交配盛期。4月中、下旬为产卵盛期,最喜欢把卵产到生长已
本文对我市五所小学 1-6年级的15 3 6名学生进行调查 ,其中男 75 9名 ,女 777名。以Rutter心理卫生评定量表 ,感觉统合发展能力评定量表 ,Conner’s简表为调查工具 ;本文心理卫生问题的界
拟长毛钝绥螨Amblyseius pseudolongispinosus,分布于上海、江苏、浙江、山东、辽宁、福建、湖北、云南等地。据复旦大学生物系、上海市植保植检站等单位几年来的研究证实,
一、麦蚜重寄生蜂的种类 在山东临清,寄生麦蚜茧蜂的5种寄生蜂中,以蚜虫跳小蜂Aphidencyrths aphidivorus为主,占67.3%;环腹瘿蜂Figites sp.第二位,占13.5%;黄足分盾细蜂Dendr
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