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培育壮秧是水稻丰产的基础。由于管理措施不到位,秧田仍然存在烂芽、死苗现象,它严重影响了秧苗素质的提高。为此,找出原因,加强管理,就能杜绝发生。 1、水稻烂芽原因: 1.1 种子质量:种子本身质量差,成熟度不好,未经比重选种,或选种质量不到位,部分种子虽然发了芽,但发芽势很弱,这种芽种播种后易死亡;其次是浸种、催芽程度不一致,使部分种子根、芽过长,造成损伤、折断或有芽无根,这些芽种播后适应能力差易死亡;再次在催芽过程中,高温灼伤稻芽,这部分种子播后易烂芽。 1.2 秧床质量:秧床过低或床面有“锅底坑”,使低处种子长期湿润或淹水,造成低温缺氧烂芽;其次种子覆土深浅不一过深 Nurturing strong seedling is the basis of high yield of rice. As management measures are not in place, there are still rotten buds, seedlings phenomenon, which seriously affected the quality of seedlings improved. To this end, find out the reasons to strengthen management, we can put an end to it. 1, rotten buds of rice reasons: 1.1 seed quality: the quality of the seed itself is poor, the maturity is not good, without proportion selection, or selection of quality is not in place, although some of the seeds germinated buds, but the germination potential is weak, this bud Which is easy to die after sowing. Secondly, it is soaking seeds and inconsistent germination degree that some of the seed roots and buds are too long, which causes damage, breakage or buds without roots. After being sowed, Burning rice buds at high temperature, this part of the seed sowing after the rotten buds. 1.2 Seedling quality: seedling bed is too low or the bed has a “pot pit” so that the lower part of the long-term wet or submerged seeds, resulting in low temperature anaerobic bud; followed by the depth of the soil overburden
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在1999年间,对隶属我院医疗范围的老年人进行体检,除全身物理检查外,还进行心电图检查,现将心电图各种检出率进行分析总结,报告如下。 1 资料与方法 1.1 一般资料 离退休老
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D70可算是 Nikon 最平价的单镜反光数码相机,明显是为与 Canon 300D 抢占平价单反机市场而设的作品,而 D70的定价虽然比同厂的 D100平了数千元,不过部分性能却比 D100更强,
本研究观察到育亨宾对受损背根节 (DRG)神经元呈现兴奋作用 ,并初步研究了其发生机制。用外源性育亨宾 (10μmol/L)灌流损伤 DRG时 ,在 2 2个有自发放电的 DRG神经元中有 18
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