
来源 :财务与会计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:deshan123
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每到年终岁末,地方物资企业都要根据会计资料编制两套会计报表,一是按照主管部门的要求编制物资企业会计决算报表送各级物资管理部门;二是根据财政部门的要求按供销企业的会计报表格式编制会计决算报表,送各级财政部门。这种做法的结果是,两套会计决算报表都不能真实、全面、准确地反映企业经济活动和经营成果。因为,企业向主管部门上报的会计报表,主管部门只作为统计资料,研究管理上的问题之用,并不进行审核和批复,与企业没有很大的利害关系,报表中项目不全、数字不准的情况是经常有的。而与企业有利害关系的决算报表是上报财政部门的那一份,财政部门不仅要对其进行审核批复,而且批复后的决算还具有法律效用。除此之外,财政 At the end of each year, local materials enterprises shall prepare two sets of accounting statements according to the accounting data. The first is to prepare the materials accounting statements of material enterprises to be sent to the material management departments at all levels according to the requirements of the competent departments. The second is to supply and distribute the materials according to the requirements of the financial departments, The accounting statements prepared accounting statements final report, sent to the financial sector at all levels. The result of this approach is that neither of the two accounting statements can truly, completely and accurately reflect the economic activities and operating results of the enterprise. Because, the accounting report that the enterprise reports to the competent department, the competent department only uses as the statistical data, studies the management question, does not carry on the examination and the approval, does not have the very big interest relation with the enterprise, the report does not have the complete item, the figure is not allowed The situation is often there. The statements of accounts with the interest of the enterprise are the ones reported to the financial department. The financial department not only needs to examine and approve them, but the final accounts after the approval also have the legal effect. In addition, finance
我丈夫是鼻咽癌患者,放疗后一年多来,口腔干燥,反复溃疡、肿胀,鼻腔内干燥。鼻垢无法自行排出,每天靠冲洗鼻腔,用力擤鼻涕才能把鼻垢排出。由于每天用力擤鼻,现又造成听力 M
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出吧邱巾0卯IPPOPHAE Vol.7 1994 No.1-4(Total 25-28) Contents In Tota1 Out of the towel Qiu towel OPOPHAE Vol.7 1994 No.1-4 (Total 25-28) Contents In Tota1
我国京剧大师、中国戏曲学院顾问张君秋教授荣获纽约林肯艺术中心“美华艺术协会”颁发的最高国际大奖“终生艺术成就奖”,同时获此殊荣的还有台湾名旦顾正秋女士。 Profes
本文利用计算机图形分析法,对三波谐波齿轮传动啮合参数与啮合性能的内在联系进行了分析,获得了一些重要的数据。为三波谐波齿轮传动最佳传动方案的确定提供了理论依据。 In t