The Curie temperature characteristics of Fe (73.5) Cu (1.0) Nb (3.0) Si (13.5) B9 nano-soft magnetic alloys were investigated by Hopkinson effect and X-ray diffraction. With the increase of crystallization annealing temperature Ta, the Curie temperature of the αFe-Si nanocrystalline phase in the alloy increases, but it is lower than that of the conventional Fe-Si alloy with the same Si content, and is related to the microstructure. When Ta is low , The Curie temperature of the amorphous phase in the alloy is basically the same as that of the original amorphous alloy. However, its Hopeinson peak is broadened. After Ta> 783K, its Hopkinson4 disappears and the Curie temperature can not be judged. The above characteristics of the Curie temperature are believed to be related to the small size characteristics of the alloy grains and the distribution of the elemental composition.