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巴州区供电公司从上世纪五十年代初装机40千瓦的火电机组起步,走过了六七十年代大办小水电,八十年代发展农村用电,九十年代引进国网电源,实施农村初级电气化建设和城乡电网建设、改造、推进电力体制改革,建立现代企业制度的艰辛历程。公司经50多年的发展,成为以发、供电为主,多种经营并举的国有企业,下辖发电、供电、调度、计量、调试、安装、建筑、房地产开发、旅游等21个单位,现有员工1918名。公司供电业务已遍及全区(除江北、玉堂、宕梁)的所有乡(镇),各片区办事处设有供电所,各乡(镇)设有农电营业所。 Bazhou District Power Supply Company started from the early 1950s installed 40 kilowatts of thermal power units, through the sixties and seventies large office of small hydropower, the development of rural electricity in the 1980s, the introduction of the national grid in the nineties power, the implementation of rural Primary electrification and construction of urban and rural power grids, transformation, to promote the reform of the power system, the establishment of a modern enterprise system difficult course. After more than 50 years of development, the company has become a state-owned enterprise mainly engaged in power generation and power supply with diversified operations. It has 21 units including power generation, power supply, dispatch, metering, commissioning, installation, construction, real estate development and tourism. 1918 employees. The Company’s power supply business has covered all the townships (towns) in the whole region (except Jiangbei, Yutang and Dangliang). There are power supply offices in each district office and rural electricity sales offices in each township (town).
On Sep. 8, 2003, Daimler-Chrysler and Beijing side signed a strategic cooperation agreement in Beijing. According to the agreement, Beijing Jeep will produce t
芯片成熟:与GSV、TI等主流芯片厂商合作,正在积极推进芯片的特性完善、品质和稳定,确保在国内率先提供全特性、成熟、稳定的ADSL2+、4Band VDSL产品。 Chip Mature: In coo
1月10日,来自台湾的主板新锐华擎科技一举推出了KTVT2、K7VM2、G Pro、PE Pro、GE Pro-M、P4145D等全系列6款主板产品,从而给新一年的主板市场带来了强力冲击。 对于选择内
为认真搞好年度征兵工作,加强对新形势下平时征兵准备工作的研究,5月下旬,四川省广元军分区会同地方有关部门,召开了平时征兵准备工作研讨会。 会议期间,军地各单位交流了研
2003年8月8日下午,学院党委书记、院长李玉平在学院贵宾室会见了美国德克萨斯州A&M大学的副校长Richard Ewing博士一行,并就合作事宜进行了交谈。会谈中,李院长向客人介绍了C
据日本工业气体协会 (JIGA)估计 ,随着半导体和LCD生产回升 ,2 0 0 2年日本专用气体市场销售额达 378亿日元 (3 15亿美元 ) ,同比增长 6 %。半导体和LCD增产导致NF3和AsH3等