
来源 :云南政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shopfloor
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前曾請教了政府有關部門和雲南的工礦專家,關於雲南工礦業的一般情况,特爲介紹,以供參攷。問:雲南目前的工礦業情况怎樣呢? 答:雲南的工礦業基本情况,如大家所知,在國民黨反動統治下,是得不到應有的發展的。所有的一點基礎,都非常薄弱,也都受了帝國主義、官僚資本主義、封建主義的摧殘,因此弄到奄奄一息,無法生存的現象,政權掌握在人民手中,提供了改變這個局面的可能。但重大的任務,還待我們政府和民族工商業家。極大努力來爭取完成的。關於雲南工礦業,大家都知道,雖然雲南的幾個機器厂大都是抗戰時 Before consult the relevant government departments and industrial and mining experts in Yunnan Province, on the general situation of Yunnan’s mining industry, especially for presentation, for reference. Q: What is the current industrial and mining situation in Yunnan? A: The basic situation of the industrial and mining industries in Yunnan, as we all know, can not be properly developed under the reactionary Kuomintang rule. All the basic points are very weak. They are also subject to imperialism, bureaucratic capitalism and feudalism. As a result, they are dying and are unable to survive. The power is in the hands of the people and it offers the possibility of changing this situation. However, major tasks are still waiting for our government and national business people. Great effort to get it done. As for Yunnan’s mining industry, we all know that although several machine factories in Yunnan Province are mostly anti-Japanese war
患者 35岁.2004年10月10日在外院经剖宫产分娩一女婴,产后1周出现39.8℃高热、切口感染,因产后高热伴轻度昏迷,于2004年10月17日入院.身体检查:患者轻度昏迷,体温39.9℃,心率115次,呼吸25次。
森林之鹰苗条如少女一样的青松, 挺立在祁连峻峭的雪峰, 风送来伐木者斧锯的铿锵, 还夹带少妇催眠的歌声。伐木工家中勤劳的母亲, 用乳汁哺育着森林雏鹰; 美丽、神奇的祁连
长白湖——小天池颂没有涟漪, 没有涛声, 碧蓝平静的湖面上, 映着山峰林海的倒影。假如是游人来到湖边, 长白湖就无限多情, 俊俏、清彻、透明, 她象北方少女的眼睛。夏季穿
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Eighty- eight infertile patients undergoing laparoscopy were randomized to undergo chromopertubationwith lipiodol orwith normal saline. The cumulative probabili