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他是中国房地产业最大的企业集团——中国房地产开发集团总裁。在我国所开发的商品房中有1/5是该集团开发的,已经建设和正在建设的住宅试点小区中,有一半是他所领导的企业建设的。 2004年由于传出中房预备收购香港蜗居房,结果三日内使香港楼市上涨50%, 有人说孟晓苏的中房救了香港楼市。能在如火如荼的房地产大战中傲啸长剑,无与争锋,在运筹帷幄中能决胜千里,自是一位名符其实的企业家。说孟晓苏是一位把握我国房地产业发展脉搏的学者,一点都不为过。仅从1992 年到1998年间,他对房地产业的一个个前瞻性的建议均被国家有关部门采纳这一事实来看,就足以证明他对房地产业发展脉搏的准确把握。说孟晓苏是一位官员。因为他曾先后在中宣部新闻局、国务院办公厅工作,并曾担任全国人大常委会办公厅副局长和国家商检局副局长。而如今,中国房地产开发集团作为中央管理的非金融性国有企业,他仍是一名国家干部。无论处庙堂之高,还是居江湖之远, 他一刻都没放松关注和思考国家经济发展动向。在孟晓苏的带领下,中房集团发展到在全国200多个城市拥有 340多家企业,年均开发面积保持在1300万平米,是全国最大的房地产企业集团。其中在北京和上海, 中房集团的开发项目都有60多个。 He is the president of China Real Estate Development Group, the largest enterprise group in China’s real estate industry. One-fifth of the commercial housing developed in our country is developed by the group, and half of the residential pilot areas under construction and under construction are built by enterprises under his leadership. In 2004 due to the acquisition of midwives in preparation for the acquisition of Hong Kong snail room, the results of the Hong Kong property market within three days up 50%, someone said that Meng Xiaosu’s room to save the Hong Kong property market. Can be in full swing in real estate war proud tsunami sword, no contention, in the tactics to win a thousand miles, is a truly entrepreneur. That Meng Xiaosu is a grasp of the pulse of China’s real estate industry scholars, is not an exaggeration. Only from 1992 to 1998, his real estate industry, one by one forward-looking proposals are adopted by the relevant state departments of the facts, it is sufficient to prove his accurate grasp of the pulse of the real estate industry. Said Meng Xiaosu is an official. Because he worked successively in the Information Department of the Central Propaganda Department and the General Office of the State Council, and served as the deputy director general of the General Office of the NPC and the deputy director of the State Administration of Commodity Inspection. Now, as a non-financial state-owned enterprise managed by the Central Government, China Real Estate Development Group is still a national cadre. Regardless of the height of the temple, or living in the arena far away, he did not relax at a moment to pay attention to and think about the country’s economic development trends. Under the leadership of Meng Xiaosu, Chinafarm Group has developed to more than 340 enterprises in more than 200 cities in the country with an average annual development area of ​​13 million square meters and is the largest real estate enterprise group in China. Among them, there are more than 60 development projects in Beijing and Shanghai.
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