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党的十七届六中全会后,省委、省政府迅速做出部署,要求全省干部群众增强文化自觉和文化自信,坚定不移地承担起加快建设文化强省、努力在建设文化强中走在前列的历史重任。把“加快建设,走在前列”作为推进文化强省的新要求2011年,省第十次党代会和省委十届二次全会明确提出了“加快建设文化强省,力争在建设社会主义文化强中走在全前列”的新目标,并同时提出把“加快建设,走在前列”作为推进文化强省建设的新要求。这主要是基于三个方面的思考:——实现“两个加快”、“两个率先”的总任务,迫切需要“加快建设,走在前列”。省委、省 After the Sixth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee, the provincial party committee and the provincial government promptly made arrangements for them to require the cadres and people in the province to enhance their cultural awareness and cultural self-confidence, unswervingly undertake the task of speeding up the building of a culturally strong province and making efforts to build a strong culture Take the forefront of the historic task. To speed up construction and take the lead “As a new requirement for promoting a strong cultural province In 2011, the Tenth Party Congress of the Province and the Second Plenary Session of the Tenth Provincial CPC Committee clearly put forward the proposal of” speeding up the building of a strong cultural province and striving Building a strong socialist culture in the forefront of the new “goal, and at the same time put forward” to speed up construction in the forefront of “as a new requirement to promote the building of a strong culture. This is mainly based on three aspects: - To realize the general task of ”speeding up two“ and ”taking the lead in two areas,“ we urgently need to ”speed up construction and stay at the forefront." Provincial Party committee, province
<正> “两岸奇峰如画卷, 水势湍急漩滚翻……”在夕阳西照,晚霞的掩映之中,结束了三峡地区的八天地质地貌综合实习。我们一行十七人,顶着夏日的骄阳行程1787公里,重点考察了
<正> 数学归纳法是数学中的重要证明方法之一。它用于证明与自然数有关的数学命题。无论是中学数学教学,还是学习高等数学,它都是培养学生思维、推理能力和创造、探索能力的