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今天我国的编辑出版事业,是党领导下社会主义的编辑事业,是古今中外编辑出版史上新的发展阶段,具有独特的、先进的本质。它既继往,又开来,有着一般编辑出版事业的共性,又有着它自己的个性。虽然它自身也在不断地完善与发展之中,就编辑出版事业的社会使命和职能来说,应该是最能符合要求的。这个要求,也是全体编辑出版工作人员所努力寻求的。因此,回顾与总结是很重要也是很必要的。回顾一下它是怎样在以往的基础上成长起来的,怎样继承和发扬以往好的传统;又怎佯淘汰和改造以往不好的、不适应的内容;它自己又有哪些创造性的、适应新的时代要求的建树和成就;在发展过程中,有哪些可以肯定的、成功的经验,又有哪些不足取的、失败的教训。为了今后更好地前进,更能满足广大人民的要求,以及适应改革 Today’s editorial and publishing undertaking in our country is the socialist editorial undertaking under the leadership of the party and is a new stage of development in the history of editorial and publishing at all times and in all countries. It has a unique and advanced nature. Since its establishment and opening up, it has the commonality of editing and publishing in general and its own personality. Although it is constantly being perfected and developed, it should be the most capable of compiling and publishing the social mission and functions of publishing. This requirement is also sought after by all editorial staff. Therefore, review and summary is very important and necessary. Review how it grew up on the basis of the past, how to inherit and carry forward the good tradition of the past, and how to eliminate and transform past bad things that do not meet the requirements. What are some creative and adaptable new things The achievements and achievements of the requirements of the times; in the development process, what can be affirmed, the successful experience, what are the inadequacies, the lessons of failure. In order to better advance in the future, it can better meet the demands of the broad masses of people as well as adapt to the reform
<正> 膝关节滑膜炎是骨伤科常见病之一。因膝关节结构复杂,滑膜最多,关节面最大,且负重多,运动量大,故易遭受损伤和风寒湿之邪侵袭,致使血瘀气滞,水湿壅聚,形成膝关节滑膜炎
<正> “网球肘”为临床常见病,属于祖国医学“痹证”范畴。笔者根据《内经》“上病下取”的治疗大法,运用巨刺法以针刺膝关节的“对应点”治疗本病,取得了较好的疗效。兹简述
<正> 中医康复学是一门新兴的综合性学科,其内容涉及到社会学、伦理学、心理学及经济学等多个学科。临证适宜采用中医康复医疗的病证较多,中医康复医疗的对象中相当一部分是
回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield
<正> 为促进中医药学术发展,弘扬中医药文化,探索中医药在新世纪、新形势下的创新和发展之路,探讨中医药现代化的思路、方法、途径与目标,中华中医药学会拟于2005年11月上旬
<正> 蛙、鱼、鹅共养是在新宾满族自治县北旺清村小流域实施的生态经济模式之一。蛙,即指中国林蛙,俗称蛤什蟆,在小流域内实行半人工散养,利用林蛙越冬池空闲季节养鱼,秋后少