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20年前的1993年,中远集团催生出众多的房地产业务,并成立了中远房地产公司(远洋地产前身)以统筹管理企业的地产业务。但由于当时北京为了保障本地房地产行业的发展,对于像中远这样的在京“央企”及其所辖企业、外埠开发公司,一律不允许在北京“落户”。被“北京开发权”卡住“脖子”的中远地产,直到1995年才从集团手中接到了两个内部的联建项目一一位于朝阳区广渠门和海淀区的双榆树小区, 20 years ago, in 1993, COSCO Group gave birth to a large number of real estate businesses and set up COSCO Real Estate Company (predecessor of COSCO Real Estate) to manage the real estate business of the enterprise. However, Beijing was not allowed to “settle down” in Beijing in order to guarantee the development of the local real estate industry at that time because of Beijing’s “central SOEs” and its affiliated enterprises and development companies in other cities like COSCO. COSCO Property, which was “Beijing Development Right” and “stuck” in “Neck”, did not receive any two interconnected projects from the Group until 1995. It was located in Guangyumen and Haidian Districts of Chaoyang District ,