主持人: 您好! 我是一位农村教师,近年来对“留守子女”问题深感忧虑。我县是一个劳动力输出大县,特别是最近两三年,学校教育已经走进了一个怪圈:党政部门、教育主管部门要力保升学率;许多地方教师的晋级等与学生“分数”直接挂钩,而“留守子女”问题特别严重,有的学校厌学学生比例高得惊人,其他问题就可想而知了。我真担心,照此下去,我们的教育将走向何方?
Moderator: Hello! I am a rural teacher and I am deeply worried about the issue of “left-behind children” in recent years. My county is a large county for labor output. Especially in the last two or three years, the school education has entered a vicious circle: the party and government departments and education authorities must ensure that the rate of enrollment increases; many local teachers’ grades are directly related to students’ scores. Linked, and the problem of “left-behind children” is particularly serious, and the proportion of school-weary students in some schools is alarmingly high. Other problems can be imagined. I am really worried. As it continues, where will our education go?