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“预防病从口入”,在痢疾、肺结核等传染病肆疟的年代,可谓精辟的防病箴言;今天,各国医学界在此基础上又提出的“预防病从脑入和病从环境入”,也同样有其时代的印记。 10多年前,美国康奈尔癌症中心报告过这样一个病例:一名淋巴瘤患者,接受化学治疗得到缓解继续存活了19年后,淋巴瘤又出现多处转移,再经大剂量化学药物治疗无效而死。为何患者处在长久静止状态下的肿瘤细胞,又突然增殖形成瘤体且迅速致命呢?该中心追踪了解到一条重要线索:患者复发前6个月,因其独 “Preventive illness from the mouth,” in the era of dysentery, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases, can be described as incisive disease prevention motto; today, the medical community in the rest of the world put forward the “prevention of disease from the brain into the disease from the environment into ”, Also have the imprint of its time. More than 10 years ago, the Cornell Cancer Center in the United States reported such a case: a patient with lymphoma who received chemotherapy was relieved to survive for another 19 years, lymphoma and multiple metastases, and then treated with large doses of chemotherapy drugs ineffective And die. Why patients in the long-standing state of tumor cells, and suddenly proliferate to form a tumor and quickly fatal? The center followed the understanding of an important clue: 6 months before the recurrence of patients, because of their independence
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