七年级(上)Unit 11同步测试

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  1. I t____ the NO. 8 Bus to school every day.
  2. She w____ the early morning news on TV.
  3. ——What’s Mary’s uncle’s j____?
   ——I think he is an actor.
  4. We are sitting a____ the table.
  5. Please send my best w____ to your father.
  1. Young people ____(love) to dance and sing.
  2. What a funny time ____(listen) to the pop music!
  3. His brother eats breakfast and then ____(brush) his teeth.
  4. Mr. Brown ____(get) up early every morning.
  5. We usually ____(go) to bed at 9:30 p.m.
   1. ____ does he go to school on weekdays?
   A. What B. What time C. Why D. What about
   2. We go to work at 8:00 ____ the morning.
   A. in B. on C. at D. of
   3. He was born ____ the morning of December 8th.
   A. in B. on C. at D. of
   4. When do you get ____ Shanghai?
   A. to B. up C. down D. in
   5. ____ your coat, please. It’s very cold today.
   A. Put up B. Put on C. Wear D. Dress
   6. Mike likes playing ____ guitar after ____ breakfast.
   A. the; the B. a; a C. the; a D. the; /
   7. I like ____ a little longer ____ weekends.
   A. sleep; on B. to sleep; on C. sleep; in D. to sleep; in
   8. “Is it ____ boring job?” “No. It is ____ interesting work.”
   A. a; an B. an; a C. /; a D. a; /
   9. What time ____ the child ____ his homework?
   A. does; does B. does; do C. do; does D. do; do
  10. I work all the day. I’m very ____.
   A. happy B. sorry C. tired D. sad
  11. We ____ a shower schedule and I am the first to ____ a shower.
   A. take; take B. make; make C. take; make D. make; take
  12. Do you often ____ music?
   A. listen B. listen to C. hear D. watch
  13. Do you think the news ____ very interesting?
   A. are B. is C. sound D. look
  14. What time ____ your teacher ____ supper?
   A. does; has B. does; have C. do; has D. do; have
  15. People usually eat dinner _____.
   A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C. in the evening D. at the night
  My name __1__ Ted Pike. I am __2__ in a big store. I __3__ work in the morning. I only work at night. Every morning I come home __4__. I __5__ breakfast at seven. After breakfast I __6__. I __7__ at about half past two. I have lunch __8__ and supper at twenty to eight. Then I __9__ at a quarter past eight. I start work at nine. I __10__ the store every night. I like my work very much.
   1. A. be B. am C. is D. are
   2. A. a student B. a teacher C. a nurse D. a worker
   3. A. am not B. don’t C. doesn’t D. aren’t
   4. A. at half six B. at half past six C. at six half D. at six past half
   5. A. have B. has C. eats D. do
   6. A. go bed B. go to the bed C. go to bed D. go to my bed
   7. A. get B. stand up C. get up D. get down
   8. A. at a quarter three B. at a quarter to three C. at three quarter D. at three to quarter
   9. A. go work B. go the store C. go to work D. to go work
  10. A. look like B. look for C. look out D. look after
  Jack White’s house is near the river. Every morning, Mr White goes to work, and the children go to school. Their father takes them to school in his car every day. Mrs White stays at home. Every day, she does the housework. She often has her lunch in the middle of the day. In the afternoon she often sees her friends. They often drink tea together(一起). In the evening, the children come home from school. They get home early. But Mr White comes from work late. At night, the children often do their homework. Then they go to bed. Mr White often reads his books and sometimes he watches TV with Mrs White.
   1. The children go to school ____ every day.
   A. with their mother B. with their friends
   C. in Mr White’s car D. on their bikes
   2. ____ does the housework at home.
   A. Mr White B. Mrs White C. Mrs White’s friend D. The children
   3. Sometimes Mr White ____ with Mrs White.
   A. gets home B. goes to work C. goes to bed D. watches TV
   4. Mr White often ____ in the evening.
   A. reads books B. does housework C. drinks tea D. watches TV
   5. Which can be the title(标题)?____.
   A. Mr White’s House B. At Home
   C. With the Friend D. The White Family
  One day an old woman wants to see her son in Paris. When she goes to the small station,she forgets the time the train is coming and leaving. She looks around and she sees a boy playing with a toy pistol(手枪) nearby. She comes up to him and asks for help. The boy doesn’t say a word. He only points to her with his pistol, says “/tu: tu: tu: tu: tu: tu: /”, then he runs away quickly. The old woman is very angry. She doesn’t know why the boy plays such a joke with(同某人开玩笑) her. The train comes. She gets on the train. When the train starts, she suddenly smiles: How clever the boy is! He tells her the time in that way!
   1. The old woman goes to the small station ____.
   A. to play B. to see her son in Paris
   C. to take a train to Paris D. to see her daughter in Paris
   2. What is the boy doing? ____.
   A. He plays with a pistol B. He playing with a toy
   C. He is watching a train nearby D. He is playing with a toy pistol
   3. Does the boy answer the woman’s question? ____.
   A. No, he isn’t B. Yes, he does C. No, he doesn’t D. Yes, he don’t
   4. The boy is a ____ boy.
   A. clever B. foolish C. sad D. happy
   5. When does the train stay at the station? ____.
   A. 1: 40-2:20 a.m. B. 1:58-2:02 p.m. C. 2:02-1:58 p.m. D. 20:02-21:08
  Tom is a seaman. He is always drunk(喝醉). One day Tom goes to a new city. He drinks very much in a bar that night. When he goes out of the bar, he sees a man lying in the street. The man is quite drunk. When Tom comes nearer, the man points to the sky and asks. “Excuse me, is that the sun or the moon?”
   Tom looks at the sky for a few minutes and answers,“I’m afraid I can’t help you. I’m a stranger(陌生人) here myself.”
  ( )1.Tom works on the ship.
  ( )2.Tom often drinks too much.
  ( )3.Tom doesn’t know if it is the sun or the moon because he is new there.
  ( )4.Tom tells the man not to drink any more.
  ( )5.Tom tells the man the way.
  Jack: Two tickets(票) to London, please. What time is the next train leaving(离开)?
  Man: At nineteen past eight.
  Jack: Which platform?
  Man: Platform Two.
  Kate: What time is the next train leaving?
  Jack: At eight nineteen. It’s three to eight now. Let’s go and have a drink. There’s a bar next to the station(火车站).
  Kate: Now let’s go back to the station.
  Man: Tickets, please.
  Jack: Here they are. It’s the train to London at eight nineteen.
  Man: The train left(离开) three minutes ago.
  Jack: What? But it’s only eight fifteen.
  Man: I’m sorry, sir. Your watch is slow(慢). I think.
  1. Jack and Kate are going to ____.
  2. Their train leaves at ____ ____.
  3. Jack and Kate ____ ____ ____ in a bar.
  4. What’s “platform” in Chinese? ____.
  5. How many minutes is the watch slow? ____.
  1. Mr Li usually goes to work at 7:45. (就划线部分提问)
  2. I want to run in the morning. (就划线部分提问)
  3. He does his homework at home. (变为否定句)
  4. School starts at nine o’clock. (变为一般疑问句)
  5. I think the job is boring. (变为否定句)
  1. 你几点钟开始上课?
  2. 下班后他先洗个澡。
  3. 妈妈每天为我们做三顿饭。
  4. 我通常在晚上11点睡觉。
  5. 她通常在星期二弹钢琴。
  A: Hello, Jim, where are you going?
  B: __1__
  A: It’s six o’clock.
  B: __2__
  A: But where is your watch?
  B: __3__
  A: Is it in your pocket?
  B: __4__
  A: How about your bag?
  B: __5__
  A: That’s all right.
  A. No, it isn’t.
  B. Where’s it?
  C. I don’t know.
  D. I don’t like it.
  E. I’m going to the cinema. What’s the time?
  F. Yes, it is in my bag. Thank you very much.
  G. Oh, you have a new watch!It’s nice!
  假如你是Li Tao, 你的加拿大网友Henry发来一封e-mail询问你是如何度过周末的。请你结合你的实际情况,写一封e-mail向他介绍一下你的周末情况。不少于60个词。开头已给出,不计入总词数。
  Dear Henry,
  Thanks for your e-mail. ________________________________________________________
著名的教育家陶行知说过:“发明千千万,起点是一问.智者问得巧,愚者问得笨.人力胜天工,只在每事问.”可见,课堂提问在教学活动中有着举足轻重的地位.好的课堂提问能揭示矛盾,辨别正误,唤起联想,引起思考,有利于当堂反馈,对学生的思维有积极的引导和促进作用.然而,从当前的实际课堂教学情况来看,在课堂提问的组织过程中还有很多误区.  1当前提问存在的一些问题  1.1课堂提问随心所欲  提问时要么提问目标
have的基本含义是“有”、“拥有”,表示一种所属关系,主语通常是人,但有时也可是物。have的第三人称单数形式是has。如:  We have a new computer. 我们有一台新电脑。  Jim has a few Chinese friends at school. 吉姆在学校有几个中国朋友。  在变否定句时,在have前要加don’t; has前加doesn’t, has要变为ha
物理是一门注重思维的学科,而“思维总是从问题开始的”是学习心理学的一个典型观点.因此在高中物理教学中,通过问题来驱动学生的思维,以让学生能够进行有效的物理思考,是提高高中物理教学效率的重要途径.仅仅知道这一理念还不够,在具体的教学中会发现问题的提出与驱动不是想像的那么简单,要结合具体的物理知识与学生的认知特点来进行.笔者现在就以“测量电源的电动势和内阻”实验的教学为例,谈谈笔者的思考与做法.  1
浮力的计算题都与浮力的四种计算方法相联系,浮力的四种计算方法分别是:(1)根据浮力产生的原因计算浮力F浮=F向上-F向下;(2)利用弹簧测力计测浮力F浮=G-F;(3)利用漂浮或悬浮条件计算浮力F浮=G;(4)利用阿基米德原理计算浮力F浮=G排=m排g=ρ排g V排.其中阿基米德原理与其它三种计算浮力的方法互相渗透,互相联系,反复应用,使得浮力计算题变化多端,难上加难.下面通过几道典型例题的分析和
1. hard, hardly  hard与hardly这两个副词形式上很接近,但意义上相差甚远。hard可用作形容词或副词。用作形容词时意为“困难的,硬的,勤奋的,严厉的,苛刻的”;用作副词时,意为“努力地,猛烈地,剧烈地”。hardly是副词,意为“简直不能”,多和can连用;也可表示“几乎没有”的意思,常和any连用。如:  Steel is harder than wood. 钢比木头硬。