中国航空学会于1995年5月31日在北京航空航天大学逸夫科学馆召开五届三次常务理事扩大会议,会议一致通过决议聘任北京航空航天大学诸德超教授为《航空学报》主编(编辑委员会主任)并增聘部分编委。简介如下:姓名性别年 龄专 业工作单位及职务聘任职务诸德超男60固体力学北京航
On May 31, 1995, China Institute of Aeronautics held an enlarged meeting of the third executive director of the Fifth Universiade at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. The meeting unanimously adopted a resolution to appoint Professor Zhu Dechao of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics as the chief editor of the Journal of Aeronautics (Editorial Board Director ) And hired some editorial board. Brief introduction is as follows: Name Sex Age Professional work units and positions Appointed positions Zhu De super male 60 Solid mechanics Beijing Airlines