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随着计算机在金融界的广泛应用.怎样确保基层行所计算机设备的正常运行,怎样给行所从事计算机操作的工作人员创造良好的工作环境,这个问题越来越被人们所重视.计算机设备不同于其它机器设备,按照国家公布的《计算机场地技术条件》(GB2887—89)的要求.要达到这个标准,它需要大量的资金投入和专业的机房装修工程技术人员来施工建设,有许多技术性的问题需要综合解决,有些技术性的问题现在还在进一步的探讨和研究之中.在经济发达地区也不是个容易的事情,而经济不发达地区行所的计算机场地建设受到诸如资金、技术等实际困难的影响,更不可能达到国际要求.经济不发达地区一般地处边远地区,交通、通信、技术保障等条件差,这给计算机设备的维修 With the wide application of computers in the financial community, how to ensure the normal operation of computer equipment at the grassroots level and how to create a good working environment for staff engaged in computer operations has been paid more and more attention by people. In other machinery and equipment, in accordance with the requirements of the “Technical Conditions of Computing Space” (GB2887-89) promulgated by the state, it requires a large amount of capital investment and professional engineering and decoration engineer to construct the building. There are many technical The problems need to be comprehensively solved, and some technical issues are still being explored and studied in the future. In the economically developed areas, this is not an easy task. The construction of computer spaces in economically underdeveloped regions is subject to practical difficulties such as capital and technology The impact is less likely to meet international requirements.The economically underdeveloped areas are generally located in remote areas, transportation, communications, technical support and other conditions is poor, which gives the maintenance of computer equipment
违章操作会给计算机带来不少人为损害,如故障频率高、机器寿命减短等。欲知何为违章操作?如何避免?本文值得一读。 Violation of the operation will give the computer a l
中共中央政治局常委贾庆林24日下午邀请全国性宗教团体负责人到中南海举行迎春座谈会,代表胡锦涛总书记和中共中央向全国宗教界人士和信教群众祝贺新春佳节。 贾庆林在认真
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