
来源 :华北民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dragonlumeng
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在我国北方,产红枣的地方很多,像河北省的赞皇枣、沧州的小枣,山东省的金丝枣,可是,我在北京的战友,却独独爱上了山西省永和县的大红枣。每到金秋时节,他们就会给我打电话:“不要忘了,给咱寄点永和红枣。”每当听到这话,我心里总是热呼呼的,一丝不易察觉的骄傲浮现在脸上。老实说,因工作的需要,1996年我从曾工作过近20年的首都北京来到地处吕梁深处、黄河岸畔的永和县,总觉着 In the north of our country, there are many places for the production of dates, like the Zanhuang dates in Hebei Province, the jujubes in Cangzhou and the golden thread dates in Shandong Province. However, my comrade in my arms in Beijing alone fell in love with the large Jujube. Every fall season, they will call me: “Do not forget, send us some Yonghe dates.” Whenever I hear this, my heart is always warm, a trace of the pride of imperceptible surfaced in the face on. Honestly, because of the need of work, in 1996 I came to the depths of Luliang from the capital city of Beijing, which has been working for nearly 20 years. Yonghe County along the Yellow River always felt
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<正> 河北省邢台某预备役团自1999年初组建以来,团党委&#39;一班人&#39;带领广大官兵,艰苦奋斗、拼搏进取,各项工作取得优异成绩。2001年7月,团党委被河北省军区评为先进党委
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