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问:编辑同志,您好!为应对国际金融危机,中央政府近期采取了一系列措施,其中特别强调要扩大内需;同时,中央号召全党要继续艰苦奋斗,厉行勤俭节约。怎样正确认识和把握扩大内需与勤俭节约的关系?江苏读者:陈明亮 Q: Hello Editorial Comrade In order to cope with the international financial crisis, the Central Government recently adopted a series of measures, with special emphasis on expanding domestic demand. At the same time, the Central Committee called on the entire party to continue its arduous struggle and exercise diligence and thrift. How to correctly understand and grasp the relationship between expanding domestic demand and thrift and thrift? Jiangsu Readers: Chen Mingliang
随着全面建设小康社会目标的提出,我国日益扩大的城乡发展差距开始为各界所瞩目。 以收入水平为例。从1993年起,域市居民人均年可支配收入增加了1140元,而同期农民人均年纯
沥青砼路面面层施工工艺复杂,质量较难控制,论述了施工阶段的质量控制要点。 Asphalt concrete pavement surface construction process is complex, the quality is more d
It is very rare that a one-step process of extraction leads to the pure compound with a high degree of purity specified by an industrial application.The various
A new car-following model is proposed based on the full velocity difference model(FVDM) taking the influence of the friction coefficient and the road curvature
一、三重抽样法的理论三重抽样法取下列的三种样本个数。 1 sL(一重样本): n (林分各层%的计算) 2 nd(二重样本): nL(象片上的判读) 3 rd(三重样本): ns(地上测定) 普通3rd(