Gain-scheduling model predictive control for unmanned airship with LPV system description

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:c1b2n3
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This paper presents a gain-scheduling model predictive control(MPC) for linear parameter varying(LPV) systems subject to actuator saturation. The proposed gain-scheduling MPC algorithm is then applied to the lateral control of unmanned airship.The unmanned airship is modeled by an LPV-type system and transformed into a polytopic uncertain description with actuator saturation. By introducing a parameter-dependent state feedback law, the set invariance condition of the polytopic uncertain system is identified. Based on the invariant set, the gain-scheduling MPC controller is presented by solving a linear matrix inequality(LMI) optimization problem. The proposed gain-scheduling MPC algorithm is demonstrated by simulating on the unmanned airship system. The proposed paper presents a gain-scheduling model predictive control (MPC) for linear parameter varying (LPV) systems subject to actuator saturation. The proposed gain-scheduling MPC algorithm is then applied to the lateral control of unmanned airship. The unmanned airship is modeled by an LPV-type system and transformed into a polytopic uncertain description with actuator saturation. By introducing a parameter-dependent state feedback law, the set invariance condition of the polytopic uncertain system is identified. Based on the invariant set, the gain-scheduling MPC controller is presented by solving a linear matrix inequality (LMI) optimization problem. The proposed gain-scheduling MPC algorithm is demonstrated by simulating on the unmanned airship system.
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