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一、理想模型的分类和特点 多年的教学经验说明,特别是高中一、二年级的物理教学,教师只有真正弄清每一个物理概念,经过科学地传授才能使学生容易接受和理解该概念,所以理想模型的建立,教师必须明白该概念的分类和特点. 理想模型一般可分为三种: 1.实体理想模型这种模型是建立在客观实体的基础上,根据所讨论问题的性质和需要把客观实体理想化,例如中学物理中最简单、最重要的质点、理想 First, the classification and characteristics of the ideal model Many years of teaching experience show that, especially in the first and second grade of high school physics teaching, teachers only really understand every physical concept, after scientifically taught to enable students to easily accept and understand the concept, so To establish an ideal model, teachers must understand the classification and characteristics of the concept. The ideal model can be generally divided into three types: 1. Physical ideal model This model is based on objective entities, based on the nature and needs of the issues discussed. Idealization of objective entities, such as the simplest, most important mass, ideals of middle school physics
在图 1所示的装置中 ,平行金属导轨 MN图 1和 PQ位于同一平面内 ,相距 L,导轨左端接有电源 E,另一导体棒 ab垂直搁在两根金属导轨上 ,整个装置处于竖直向下的匀强磁场中 ,磁
《谏太宗十思疏》除了所提十条建议感情真挚,言辞恳切,内容中肯而外,还在于文章本身论证的严密逻辑性。其主要表现如下: 一、巧设类比,揭示论点 奏疏一开始,就借助于生动的
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