High precise control method for a new type of piezoelectric electro-hydraulic servo valve

来源 :中南工业大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangjianfa11
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A new type of piezoelectric electro-hydraulic servo valve system was proposed. And then multilayer piezoelectric actuator based on new piezoelectric ceramic material was used as the electricity-machine converter of the proposed piezoelectric electro-hydraulic servo valve. The proposed piezoelectric electro-hydraulic servo valve has ascendant performance compared with conventional ones. But the system is of high nonlinearity and uncertainty, it cannot achieve favorable control performance by conventional control method. To develop an efficient way to control piezoelectric electro-hydraulic servo valve system, a high-precise fuzzy control method with hysteresis nonlinear model in feedforward loop was proposed. The control method is separated into two parts: a feedforward loop with Preisach hysteresis nonlinear model and a feedback loop with high-precise fuzzy control. Experimental results show that the hysteresis loop and the maximum output hysteresis by the PID control method are 4.22%and 2.11 μm, respectively; the hysteresis loop and the maximum output hysteresis by the proposed control method respectively are 0.74% and 0.37 μm, respectively; the maximum tracking error by the PID control method for sine wave reference signal is about 5.02%, the maximum tracking error by the proposed control method for sine wave reference signal is about 0.85%.
幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori,Hp)是定植在人胃黏膜上的革兰阴性的微需氧致病菌。流行病学研究显示,全世界约有50%的人存在Hp的感染,它与慢性胃炎、消化性溃疡、胃黏膜相
启功先生,集教育家、文物鉴定家、古典文学家、著名书画家、国学大师于一身,著作等身,创作颇丰。能享有93岁的高寿,与他幽默豁达的处世态度,宽容待人的为人风格,超脱生死的心理修养是分不开的。  启功生于乱世,幼年丧父,中年丧母,老年失去老伴,一生没有子女。被打成“右派”不许教书时,启功却说:“我因祸得福,写了许多文章。”坎坷半生,虽历经磨难,但先生的生命力就像原上草,顽强旺盛,凭借乐观化解了人生的诸多
在工程实践中 ,应用稠浆灌浆技术 ,成功地处理了堤坝工程的强透水基础以及坝体集中渗漏通道问题 ,解决了采用普通浆液难以处理的问题 ,并列举了几座堤坝的灌浆工程实例。 In