施特德尔美术馆(Stadel Museum)地处法兰克福市萨尔森豪区的美茵河畔,爱塞尔纳铁桥与和平桥之间的法兰克福博物馆区。那里是法兰克福著名的艺术与文化区,集中了十多个不同类型的知名博物馆。有着悠久历史的施特德尔美术馆是其中最重要的展馆之一。它因为广泛收集了大量早期绘画大师的作品而声名远扬。比如杨.凡.艾克、波提切利、拉斐尔、鲁本斯、伦勃朗、普桑等大师的作品。
The Stadel Museum is located on the banks of the Main River in the Salzhausen district of Frankfurt, between the Iron Bridge and the Peace Bridge in the Frankfurt Museum District. It is Frankfurt’s famous arts and cultural district, which has more than a dozen different types of well-known museums. One of the most important exhibition halls is the Stettler Museum of Art, which has a long history. It is widely known for its extensive collection of works of early master painters. For example, works by Yang Fanke, Botticelli, Raphael, Rubens, Rembrandt, Poussin and others.