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2009年4月2日,山西省中医药工作会议在太原召开。会议传达了全国中医药工作会议精神,总结了2008年中医药工作,表彰了“中医中药中国行”山西行的先进集体和先进个人。对第三、第四批全国老中医药专家学术经验继承导师和师承人员进行了颁发荣誉证书和拜师仪式。安排部署了2009年工作任务,提出在全省全面实施中医药振兴工程,全力振兴我省中医药事业。会议上提出的全省实施中医药振兴工程,明确建设构建和完善中医药医疗保健服务体系,建立和完善中医药标准体系,突出中医药特色的的工作思路,在与会人员中引起广泛的反响和大力支持。就中医院如何抓住机遇迎接挑战开展振兴中医药工程和中医院在缓解百姓看病难、看病贵发挥了什么作用两大问题,本刊记者随机采访了阳泉、临汾、运城中医院和运城市中医药研究所的四位院长。 On April 2, 2009, the Shanxi Provincial Conference on Chinese Medicine was held in Taiyuan. The conference conveyed the spirit of the National Conference on Traditional Chinese Medicine, summed up the work of traditional Chinese medicine in 2008, and commended the advanced collectives and advanced individuals of the “Traditional Chinese Medicine Chinese Medicine Branch” and the Shanxi Branch. The honorary certificates and apprenticeship ceremonies were given to the third and fourth batch of national academic instructors who inherited the academic experience of the old Chinese medicine experts. Arrangements for the deployment of 2009 work tasks, put forward in the province to fully implement the Chinese medicine revitalization project, and fully revitalize the province’s Chinese medicine. The conference put forward the implementation of the project of revitalizing traditional Chinese medicine in the province, clearly establishing and improving the medical and health care service system for traditional Chinese medicine, establishing and perfecting the standard system of traditional Chinese medicine, highlighting the working ideas of traditional Chinese medicine and causing widespread repercussions among the participants. Strong support. How China National Hospital to seize the opportunity to meet the challenges to carry out the revitalization of traditional Chinese medicine project and Chinese medicine hospital to ease the people in the difficult to see the doctor, the role of the doctor to play the two major problems, the reporter interviewed Yangquan, Linyi, Yuncheng Chinese Medicine Hospital and Yuncheng The four directors of the Institute of Medicine.
20 0 2年 9月 2 7日 ,北京体育大学“十五”期间高等体育教育精品教材项目《篮球运动教程 (函授 )》经北京体育大学教学指导与教材建设委员会组织的专家评审组审议通过 ,予以
卫生部药品标准《中药材》第一册(1992年)收载了水半夏,水半夏为天南星科植物檐犁头尖Typhonnium flagelliforme (Nodd.) Blume的块茎。近几年,在检验工作中常遇到水半夏混
198 5年 ,教育部委托北京大学成立高等学校化学教育研究中心 ,张青莲教授为中心的首届学术委员会顾问。中心成立伊始 ,即与中国化学会合作创办了《大学化学》杂志。 1 0多年
有人把编辑工作比喻为“沙里淘金”,幸运的是,我并拢了手指没有让金子从我的指缝流走。 《维和的日子》能够在《上海消防》杂志上连续登载一年(12期),并且广受读者和各界的
一直苦苦寻觅着你,我心中精彩的语文;一直殷殷盼望着你,我心中精彩的语文。  ——题记  你给我青山与绿水,你给我鲜花与绿叶,你给我碧海与蓝天,你打通了我与自然的界限。  伴着你,刘禹锡的淡淡湖光,映出了秋日相思的月;杜甫的好雨恰到时机,滋润万物;辛弃疾的宝马雕车,奔驰于宽阔的街道;欧阳修的乱红舞过了三月的薄暮。  伴着你,楚辞的华贵中带着它的些许执着与无悔,流转成千年的精彩。那个放逐于白鹿青崖间的
我爱人得了重感冒后住院治疗,但最后交费时我认为数额过高,现在想复印相关病历以搜集证据。请问,我可以复印哪些病历资料?复印也要收费吗?梁旭 My wife got a hospital trea