1 Case report The patient, female, 46 years old, was admitted to hospital because of a “secondary persistent nasal congestion”. The patient had a right nasal obstruction half a month ago, persistent, with diminished sense of smell, tears in his right eye, dull pain in the right dome, no radioactivity, gradual right tinnitus, ear nausea, hearing loss, right facial numbness, no nose Bleeding, loose teeth and difficulty opening mouth, no double vision and blurred vision. Physical examination: In general, there was no obvious abnormality in cardiopulmonary abdomen examination. Specialist examination: The right nasal cavity is filled with litchi-like tumors, and the tumor protrudes into the nasal vestibule. It is brittle and easily touched. The nasal septum is left and no new organism is found in the left nasal cavity. Nasopharyngeal CT Scan: Right Maxillary Sinus Cavity