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本刊编辑部主任徐惠、本刊特约记者张炳根,最近召集江苏在沪的省、县办事处及建安企业部分同志围绕党的十四大提出的社会主义市场经济、把企业推上市场、企业转换经营机制几个方面,结合在上海市建筑市场中的发展实践进行了座谈。江苏建筑企业自1983午走进上海建筑市场,就实行“自主经营、自负盈亏、自我发展、自我约束”成为独立经营者。近10年来,队伍人数从几万人发展到10多万人;固定资产从几百万元发展到2亿多元。其中拥有高层施工塔吊160余台,各类具有职称的技术、经济专业人员从上千人发展到上万人。因而,江苏在沪近200多家企业都得到了壮大和发展。据统计:十年来共为上海建成各类房屋2800万平方米,其中:高层建筑约400栋(25层以上的50栋);住宅房屋1800万平方米,相当于每天为上海人民提供100套住房。同时,实现经济收入29亿元,上交国家税金5.8亿元,交给地方财政12.5亿元,这一事实充分说明,企业转换经营机制,企业走上市场,企业既可得到锻炼提高,政府也得益。现在,上海建筑市场全面开放,据专家估计,上海建成世界第一流的现代化大城市,要花10年时间,启动资金至少要2000亿到5000亿元。因此,九十年代,将是上海建设的高峰时期,当前,上海建筑市场具有任务大、队伍多、高层多、技术新、速度快的特点,江苏在沪建安企业的广大职工决心在党的十四大精神鼓舞下,按照社会主义市场经济的要求,在上海这个大市场上不断地自我完善,自我发展,再接再励,为上海建设再作贡献。现将参加座谈同志的发言摘登如下。 Xu Hui, director of the editorial department of the journal, and Zhang Binggen, a special correspondent of the journal, recently convened the provincial and county offices of Jiangsu Province and some comrades of Jian’an enterprises to focus on the socialist market economy put forward by the party’s 14th National Congress, pushing enterprises to the market, and enterprises. Several aspects of the conversion management mechanism were discussed in conjunction with the development practice in the Shanghai construction market. Jiangsu construction companies have entered the Shanghai construction market since 1983, and they have become “independent operators, self-financing, self-development, and self-discipline” as independent operators. In the past 10 years, the number of troops has grown from tens of thousands to more than 100,000; fixed assets have grown from a few million to more than 200 million yuan. Among them, there are more than 160 high-rise tower cranes, and various technical and economic professionals with titles have grown from thousands to tens of thousands. As a result, Jiangsu has grown and developed in nearly 200 companies in Shanghai. According to statistics, a total of 28 million square meters of various types of houses have been built for Shanghai in the past ten years, including about 400 high-rise buildings (50 buildings with more than 25 floors) and 18 million square meters of residential buildings, equivalent to providing 100 houses for the people of Shanghai every day. . At the same time, the realization of economic revenue of 2.9 billion yuan, and the handing over of national tax of 580 million yuan to local governments of 1.25 billion yuan, fully demonstrates that if enterprises change their operating mechanisms and enterprises go to the market, enterprises can get training and improve. benefit. Now that the Shanghai construction market is fully open, experts estimate that it will take 10 years for Shanghai to become the world’s leading modern metropolis and start-up capital will be at least 200 billion to 500 billion yuan. Therefore, in the 1990s, it will be the peak period of Shanghai construction. Currently, the Shanghai construction market has the characteristics of large tasks, many teams, high levels, new technologies, and high speed. The majority of Jiangsu employees in Shanghai Jian’an are determined to be in the Party’s Ten. Inspired by the four major spirits, in accordance with the requirements of the socialist market economy, the Shanghai market is constantly self-improvement, self-development, and continued to make contributions to Shanghai’s construction. The speeches of participating comrades are now excerpted below.
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当运输汽车运行时间已达5万小时时,其预期寿命将成为人们迫切关注的重要问题。位于不列颠哥伦比亚省东北部的布尔穆斯(Bullmoose)矿设备维修经理 R.琼斯说:“1983年当我们购
泰国水泥有限公司副总经理说,1992年泰国混凝土的生产能力是1393万 t,需求量是1325万 t(比1991年增长6%),生产能力剩余68万 t。1993年的需 The deputy general manager of T