
来源 :国有资产管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liudanfeng123
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为了探索了解邯郸市实行企业监事会制度的试点情况,国家经贸委企业司、国家国有资产管理局企业司一行三人于1994年5月到邯郸市进行了调查。我们与邯郸市政府领导、市企业监事会办公室、市计委、体改委、审计局、财政局、经贸委、资产局等部门进行了座谈;征求了七户试点企业总监助理和七户试点企业厂长、经理的意见。现将有关情况汇报如下: 一、监事会的组织领导和职责 1.市政府成立企业监事会试点指导委员会,由市长任主任,主管工业的副市长任副主任。其成员由市计委、经委、财委、体改委、财政、国有资产管理、税务、审计、劳动、组织部、工商银行等部门的主要 In order to explore and understand the pilot project of the implementation of the supervisory board system in Handan City, the three companies of the State Economic and Trade Commission Enterprise Division and the State-owned Assets Administration Bureau of the State Bank conducted an investigation in May 1994 in Handan City. We held discussions with the leaders of Handan Municipal Government, the Municipal Enterprise Supervisory Board Office, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Economic Reform Commission, the Audit Bureau, the Finance Bureau, the Economic and Trade Commission, and the Assets Bureau; and solicited the assistants of the seven pilot companies and seven pilot companies. Director, manager’s opinion. The relevant situation is reported as follows: I. Organizational leadership and responsibilities of the board of supervisors 1. The municipal government establishes the steering committee of the board of supervisors of the company, which is chaired by the mayor and deputy director of the vice mayor of industry. Its members are mainly from the departments of the Municipal Planning Commission, the Economic Commission, the Finance Committee, the Economic Reform Commission, the Finance, State-owned Assets Management, Taxation, Auditing, Labor, Organization Department, and Industrial and Commercial Banking.
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(一) 德育是教育的灵魂,是教育的首要问题和重要组成部分。党的十四届六中全会通过的《中共中央关于加强社会主义精神文明建设若干重要问题的决议》中指出:“加强青少年思想