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邓小平同志有着丰富的经济思想,但作为一个雄才大略的政治家,他更多的是从政治角度研究经济问题,探索经济的政治意义,政治潜能,这成为他经济与政治相互关系思想的特色。下面,笔者从最大政治论、基础论、根本任务论、服务论和政治标准论五个方面来探讨他的这一思想。第一,最大政治论。邓小平同志把经济直接定义为政治,他指出“四个现代化就是中国最大的政治”。①“经济工作是当前最大的政治,经济问题是压倒一切的政治问题。”②马、恩、列、斯、毛都是非常重视经济,他们在这方面都有过大量论述,但把经济提升到空前政治高度的,恐怕就只有邓小平了。他还多方面阐发了这一命题。(1)发展经济、发展生产力与社会主义政治的本质是一致的,他将社会主义政治的本质概括为“解放生产力,发展生产力,消灭剥削,消除两极分化,最后实 As a brilliant politician, Comrade Deng Xiaoping has a wealth of economic ideas. However, as a brilliant politician, he studies the economic issues from a political angle and explores the political significance and political potential of the economy. This becomes the characteristic of his thought of the interrelationship between economy and politics. The following, the author from the largest political theory, basic theory, fundamental task theory, service theory and political standards in five aspects to explore his idea. First, the biggest political theory. Comrade Deng Xiaoping defined the economy directly as politics. He pointed out: “Four Modernizations are China’s Largest Politics.” ① “Economic work is the biggest political and economic issue at present. It is an overriding political issue.” 2 Ma, Grace, Columns, Sri Lanka and Mao both attach great importance to the economy. They all have made a lot of exposition in this respect, but they have elevated the economy To unprecedented political height, I am afraid that only Deng Xiaoping. He also expounded this proposition in many aspects. (1) Economic development and development of productive forces are consistent with the essence of socialist politics. He generalizes the essence of socialist politics as "liberating the productive forces, developing the productive forces, eliminating exploitation and eliminating polarization, and finally,