谁是在中国目前最受市场欢迎的导演?张艺谋还是陈凯歌?还是更加年轻的张元、贾张科、何毅?都不是。而是——冯小刚。 连续三年了,电影贺岁片的“龙椅”上,端坐着这位貌不惊人却胸有成竹的导演。从《甲方乙方》票房3000万,到《不见不散》票房4000万,再到《没完没了》票房冒出个5000万,这一国产影片的票房“奇迹”,不啻是中国影坛的一支兴奋剂,更使我们看到民族电影在“打击侵略者”(抵抗外国进口大片)的愈演愈烈的战况中,已经有了精锐的生力军。不管人们怎么评价冯小
Who is the most popular in China market director? Zhang Yimou or Chen Kaige? Or you are more young Zhang Yuan, Jia Zhangke, He Yi? Neither. But - Feng Xiaogang. For three consecutive years, the movie Lunar New Year film “Dragon Chair”, sitting on the looks is not surprising but well-established director. From the “Party A Party B” at the box office 30 million, to the “no-nonsense” at the box office 40 million, to the “endless” at the box office pop up a 50 million, the domestic box office film “miracle” is not a Chinese film A stimulant also shows us that elites have already seen elite forces in the growing battle of “cracking down on aggressors” (against foreign imports). No matter how people evaluate Feng Xiao