Structure and context in College English learning

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  【Abstract】 since the birth of structuralist linguistics in the early 20th century, people have never stopped studying the structure of language.In the later history of western linguistics, almost all linguistic theories are hard to get rid of the brand of structuralism.This paper attempts to analyze the language structure and context from a diachronic perspective in order to reveal the internal language structure and external context factors in College English learning and optimize college English teaching.
  【Key words】College English; Structure; context
  1. Deconstruction of “structure” and highlighting of context
  In the 19th century, historical comparative linguistics dominated.Linguists set up language families and make judgments on the origin of these languages by comparing the phonetic, morphological, tortuous changes and grammatical structures of various languages in different periods.On the basis of practice, they also drew the genealogical tree of Indo European.
  Saussure thinks that the whole language is a system composed of these symbols and their combination rules. Language has a unique relationship structure, and individual units of each language are not independent.During this period, the object of language research gradually became clear: not only the organization and internal system of language in the speech system, but also the geographical expansion of speech and the split context of dialect.His faithful successor is American descriptive linguistics, represented by Bloomfield.Linguists in this period conducted a large number of empirical investigations, relying on empirical induction and observation of linguistic phenomena to describe and analyze the form of language structure.They think that human language behavior is the repeated practice of sentence structure.
  To sum up, in different stages of linguistic development, linguists have different interpretations of structure, but their interpretations of structural concepts are consistent.First, as a whole system, structure is composed of many elements according to a certain mode; structure reflects the relationship between the elements.Secondly, there are similarities and differences between one structure and other structures.The potential meaning in the concrete use of language is realized by context.So context is a part of meaning and a deeper structure.
  2. Learning a foreign language in context
  One of the first principles to be considered in English teaching is to provide students with the opportunity to practice using the target language in the actual situations they may encounter in the future.It is necessary for students to master the target language structure, but it is not enough. They also need to be proficient in the use of language in specific context.Through the above analysis, it is not difficult to find that with the in-depth study of the word “structure”, the connotation of the word “structure” has moved from the explicit external structure form to a deeper meaning relationship.Although the importance of context has been put forward by the predecessors for a long time, in the current college English teaching activities, people pay more attention to the dominant structure of language - language form, and still pay less attention to the language meaning in the specific context.The purpose of emphasizing context is to guide students to pay more attention to the semantic level in the process of understanding language.First of all, different grammatical structures reflect different functional meanings, and the same language forms appear in different text contexts, so their meanings are different. Moreover, the abstract meaning in the intuitive expression and specific language environment, is bound to enhance the memory and understanding of students.   3. Conclusion
  People pay more and more attention to the traditional language form, the surface phonetic structure and deep semantic structure which are not affected by the context and have the rules of transformation and generation, and the meaning of living and using language.The structure in linguistics is the relationship between the elements that make up a language, including not only the real grammatical structure, but also the implicit context that embodies the grammatical meaning.Although the context is vague and unpredictable, it is of great significance for learning college English.In the study of language, structure and contextual meaning are relative, and there is inevitably a collision between the real and the virtual.However, in the process of College English learning, if learners can integrate language structure learning into specific context, it can greatly promote college English learning, improve communication ability, and ultimately achieve the goal of optimizing teaching.
【摘要】随着我国教育事业的发展,新课改理念的深入推进,初中英语教学模式不断优化,师生互动和学生与学生间的互动相得益彰,使英语课堂教学更加有趣、实用,也更好地体现出英语语言教学的魅力。教师的课堂教学行为对教学效果和质量的影响在英语教学中起着至关重要的作用,这便非常有必要加强初中英语课堂教学行为的有效性评价。  【关键词】初中英语;课堂教学评价;有效性  【作者简介】张永艳(1981.06-),女,汉
教学目标    初步了解有关防火、防盗、防骗、防触电、防溺水等方面的安全知识;了解自护自救的基本常识;具有初步的安全意识,爱护自己的身体和生命。    教学重难点    培养安全意识,了解自护自救的基本常识。    教学准备    学生:搜集有关安全常识。  教师:准备课件、学生安全提示卡。    教学过程    一、出示资料,谈话导入  师:老师请同学们先看一段电视,请看大屏幕。  (课件出示视
【摘要】伴随着社会的发展,教学改革不断深化,教学条件逐步完善,现如今数字化教学手段日渐普及,它的强大功能已被大家发现并获得认可,在教学中运用数字化教学已成为大家的共识。在英语教学中,数字化教学能够为学生更形象、更直观、更生动地将图、文、声、情结合在一起,能够在很大程度上激發学生学习英语的兴趣,极大地提高教学质量。运用数字化手段建设边缘化高三英语课堂文化是一种非常新颖且大势所趋的教学方式。  【关键
【摘要】阅读部分所占整张试卷分值之大让教师不得不重视阅读的教学,本文通过分析2019年佛山市高一英语联考试题阅读部分来分析基于核心素养要求的高考英语阅读的新趋势,以及结合目前教学存在的问题对日后的教学实践工作提出四种大胆的建议和设想。  【关键词】核心素养;高中英语阅读;三大主题;英语教学实践  【作者简介】张洋(1983.02-),女,汉族,湖北安陆人,广东省佛山市顺德区勒流中学,级长,高校讲师
【摘要】新课改背景下,信息化教育设备催生数字化教学环境,基于希沃白板5、希沃授课助手和班级优化大师等软件的希沃易 互动教学软件实现了备课授课数字化,能够很好地活跃课堂气氛,增强了课堂教学的趣味性和知识的直观性,提高了课堂中师生互动、生生互动d 频率和效率,同时在训练学生思维、突破重难点方面有突出的效果,極好地提高了小学英语课堂的教学效率。  【关键词】 小学英语;希沃易 互动教学软件;趣味高效  
2月16日,北京市120余万中小学生步入新学期。在新的学期,他们将可拥有一个新的身份——志愿者。  据了解,北京市教委、团市委日前联合制定意见,在本市建立和完善学生志愿服务长效机制。本市教育部门和学校都将制定相关激励机制,引导学生积极参与志愿服务活动。在新学期,本市大、中、小学生都可在自愿的前提下注册成为志愿者,参与志愿服务。学生在校期间的志愿服务经历将纳入到综合素质评价中。  在中关村一小今天的
北京:建立中小学德育长效机制焕发德育生命活力    设立观摩交流周。自2005年起,北京市委教育工委、市教委建立了每年一次的中小学德育工作观摩交流周制度。截至目前,这项活动已经连续成功举办4届。现如今,让学生在“活”的课堂学习德育知识,已经成为首都中小学德育一项富有特色的制度性活动。  着力测评科学化。为了准确把握全市中小学生的德育状况,北京市从2004年开始着力于中小学生思想道德发展测评,德育管
【摘要】随着新课程改革的深入,人们越发注重学生的素质教育。英語阅读是英语教学的重要组成部分,只有阅读教学不断改进,才能提升学生阅读技巧以及强化英语口语表达能力,老师一定要让学生完成英语阅读的多样化。因此,在初中英语课堂教学过程中,老师需要着重培养学生的阅读技巧,学生阅读技巧的提高有利于全面提升学生的英语能力。在此基础上,本文对初中英语阅读教学模式进行了探索。  【关键词】初中英语;阅读;教学模式 
【摘要】在当前素质教育背景下,树立学生主体性,促进学生核心素养的提升是教育教学的首要任务。在小学英语教学中,教师借助知识表征,是帮助学生实现个体知识学习的关键。英语作为一门语言学科,与语文相同,都是一种交流的手段和工具,因此,教师要采取有效的措施,加强学生英语运用的能力。本文就小议知识表征在小学英语看图说话中的应用。  【关键词】知识表征;小学英语;看图说话;应用策略  【作者简介】梁酬志,广东省