A new inverse filtering method of gravity field

来源 :Acta Oceanologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chinajovi
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A new method for inversion of gravity field using the technique of inverse filtering is presented in this paper to calculate the structure of crust.After inversing gravity data of West Pacific and Okinawa Trough, it has been proven that the method of inverse filtering has many advantages, such as high accuracy, fast convergence rate, small memory space used and arbitrary reduction of sampling interval. This new method is convenient to minicomputer for solving the inverse problem of crustal structure. A new method for inversion of gravity field using the technique of inverse filtering is presented in this paper to calculate the structure of crust. After inversing gravity data of West Pacific and Okinawa Trough, it has been proven that the method of inverse filtering has many advantages , such as high accuracy, fast convergence rate, small memory space used and arbitrary reduction of sampling interval. This new method is convenient to minicomputer for solving the inverse problem of crustal structure.
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