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流动中的“定格”空间列车在变幻的空间中运行——穿越大漠、莽原、丛岭……飞跨沟壑、湖泊、椰林……然而,当你置身在一间间小屋似的车厢,南来北往的人群,却感觉到进入了一个定格在流动空间中的临时家庭!千里奔波,一路劳顿,时空在变换,路途在延伸,而列车员始自我岗位,在乘务室和车厢里终日不变的“方寸”天地中锁定……与车轮同步去完成输送旅客的使命,从每一个流动新起点奔忙不停,伴随旅行者走遍天下,却忠守在本职服务“圈子”里,永远没有跨出一丝半分!啊!奔腾列车之外有:江山如画,春潮滚滚。“定格”空间之内有:理想、信念、温馨、笑盈…… Flowing “freeze-frame” space train running in the changing space - through the desert, Mangyuan, Congling ... ... across the ravines, lakes, coconut forests ... However, when you place in a cabin like car , South to north of the crowd, but felt into a fixed grid in the mobile space temporary family! Trinidad and rushed, all the way Lawton, time and space are changing, the road is extending, and the conductor began my job, in the cabin and the carriage all day Unchangeable “inch inch ” locked in the world ... ... synchronized with the wheel to complete the mission of conveying passengers, from a new starting point for each flow bustling, with the travelers all over the world, but loyal to their own service “Circle ”Never miss a half! Ah! Pentium train outside: picturesque, spring tumble. “Freeze-frame ” space are: ideal, faith, warmth, smile ... ...
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Objective To compare the characteristics of renal disease based on renal biopsy data between the Tibetan plateaus and the plain.Methods 160 chronic kidney disea
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