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本研究结果表明:青光眼房水IgG均值明显高于白内障,而房水ALB均值正好相同;青光眼、白内障房水均未检测出IgM、IgA、补体C3;青光眼房水免疫球蛋白、白蛋白滤过率明显增大,近乎白内障房水的3倍。探讨原发性开角型青光眼继发白内障的主要原因,应考虑青光眼房水蛋白滤过率异常因素。 The results of this study showed that the mean IgG in aqueous humor of glaucoma was significantly higher than that of cataract, while the mean of ALB in aqueous humor was the same. IgM, IgA, complement C3 were not detected in glaucoma and cataractous aqueous humor, and glaucoma aqueous hyaline globulin The rate was significantly increased, nearly 3 times the cataracts aqueous humor. To investigate the primary causes of secondary open cataract in open-angle glaucoma, we should consider the anomalous factors of glaucoma aqueous protein filtration rate.
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The bonding and electronic structures of oxy-gen molecules adsorbed on Al (001) are theoretically investi-gated from first-principles using the density function